Sunday, December 28, 2008

You better buckle up!

I think our one of our ministers has gone crazy again, I started to curse someone when I saw this headline on the news, it states that if you don't buckle up sitting at the back of the vehicle, you will end up in jail!

Common people like us have common senses, even though a person doesn't buckle up doesn't mean that it is a big offense and he or she deserve to go to jail, may be our jail has only 5% occupancy rate, I have no data on that. I am willing to take a bet of RM100 from anyone (with the max of RM200 on total bet). I bet that the flip flop government will revise the going-to-jail policy when you don't buckle up. Personally, I think it is pretty stupid to put someone into jail if he or she doesn't has the intention or forgot not to buckle up.

Okay, let say if they intend to send some scape-goats into jail by scaring the people, I wonder if our prison has enough space to cater all the offenders? Given our lousy government planning. I think we might have some problem with the jail cell. Perhaps, you will need to take a ticket and wait for your turn before they got a space to lock you up. Or may be, you have to share rooms with other 5 persons, when the cell is design for 2 person only. Then I will foresee some "government-linked" companies will be very busy with their new projects, someone will propose that we need a new and bigger prison, then we will end up having the biggest jail in Southeast Asia.

I foresee that the Prison Break TV series new season will be shoot in Malaysia, hopefully I am not the victim under this new policy, or else I will pinpoint to you which jail cell that I stay there before when I watch Prison Break II together with you.

Ok. Now let say our minister scrap the idea of putting someone in jail, they issue a RM300 fine on you when you get caught without wearing seatbelt. What I forsee that our police officers will be damn busy, when they are busy, they become thirsty. As we all know we have a very hot wheather in Malaysia. Coffee is something good which you can quench your thirst, you know what I mean.

In short, buckle up is always good but implementing in Malaysia is a problem, at least for now.

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