Saturday, December 30, 2006

Pakistan Family

100+ years old bridge

on the way to Nathia Gali

On the way to Nathia Gali

Nathia Gali Trip

Persian Carpet that I bought

Love the work of art!

Pakistan Main Street - Jinnah Avenue in Blue Area


At first I don't know what is the symbol "()(-)
means, later on I found out that it means "CDA", City development authority



Pakistan scenery

Faisal Mosque



1997年香港回归大陆,许冠杰唱过的一首歌“话知你97”;1997年发生了金融风暴,我那时候第一次去了纽约,上了World Trade Center,第一次在大学学打篮球等等不断浮现在我脑海里,如今就快到了2007年。
上周和同事们到位于伊斯兰堡东北部的一个叫Nathia Gali的地方看雪,也没觉得有太大的感觉,看着一些年轻的同事们把手放进雪堆弄成雪球打雪战,玩得不亦乐乎的;也有整个人睡在雪上的。感叹自己好像老了似的。

Night Hunting in Pakistan

Sri Lanka shots

PIcs from Sri Lanka

Our office in Colombo, they called it "World Trade Center".

Nathia Gali,Pakistan 雪景

Saturday, December 23, 2006



来源:刘韧 转载

  上世纪末最后一天,我总算良心发现,在公务结束之后,买了一张从北京去昆明的机票,去看看妈妈。买好机票后,我没有给她电话,我知道一打电话她一下午都会忙碌,不管多晚到达,都会给我做一些我小时候喜欢吃的东西。直到飞机起飞,我才告诉她,让她不要告诉别人,不要车来接,我自己坐出租车回家,目的就是好好陪陪她。前几年我每年也去看看妈妈,但一下飞机就给办事处接走了,说这个客户很重要,要拜见一下,那个客户很重要,要陪他们吃顿饭,忙来忙去,忙到上飞机时回家取行李,与父母匆匆一别。妈妈盼星星、盼月亮,盼盼唠唠家常,一次又一次的落空。他们总是说你工作重要,先工作,先工作。   由于我3日要赶回北京,随胡锦涛副主席访问伊朗,在昆明我只能呆一天。这次在昆明给妈妈说了去年11月份我随吴邦国副总理访问非洲时,吴邦国副总理在科威特与我谈了半小时话的内容。首长说了这次我随访是他亲自点的名,目的有三个:1、鼓励和肯定华为,并让随行的各部部长也正面地认识和了解华为;2、了解一下我们公司的运行与管理机制,看看对别的企业有无帮助;3、看看政府对华为开拓国际市场是否能给予一些帮助。妈妈听了十分高兴,说“政府信任就好,只要企业干得好,其他都会随时间的证实而过去的。”  最近这两年,网上、媒体中对华为有一些内容,也是毁誉参半,妈妈是经过“文革”痛苦煎熬过的,对荣誉不感兴趣,对一些不了解我们真实情况的文章却十分忧心。我说了,我们不是上市公司,不需要公示社会,主要是对政府负责,对企业的有效运行负责。我们去年交税20亿多,2001年要交40多亿的税。各级政府对我们都信任。我们不能在媒体上去辩论,这样会引起争论,国家纸太贵,为我们这样一个小公司争论太浪费。为我们这样一个小公司,去干扰国家的宣传重点,我们也承担不了这么大责任。他们主要是不了解,我们也没有介绍,了解就好了。妈妈舒了一口气,理解了我的沉默。这次我还与母亲约好,今年春节我不工作,哪儿也不去,与几个弟妹陪她到海南过春节,好好聊一聊,痛痛快快聊一聊。以前,我节假日多为出国,因中国过节,外国这时不过节,正好多一些时间工作,这次我是彻底想明白了,要陪陪妈妈,我这一生还没有好好陪过她。没想到终成泡影。   8号那天,圆满结束对伊朗的访问,我们刚把胡副主席送上飞机,就接到纪平的电话,说我母亲上午10时左右,从菜市场出来,提着两小包菜,被汽车撞成重伤,孙总已前往昆明组织抢救。由于相隔千万里,伊朗的通信太差,真使人心急火燎。飞机要多次中转才能回来,在巴林转机要呆6.5个小时,真是心如煎熬,又遇巴林雷雨,飞机又延误两个小时,到曼谷时又再晚了十分钟,没有及时赶上回昆明的飞机,直到深夜才赶到昆明。   回到昆明,就知道妈妈不行了,她的头部全部给撞坏了,当时的心跳、呼吸全是靠药物和机器维持,之所以在电话上不告诉我,是怕我在旅途中出事。我看见妈妈一声不响地安详地躺在病床上,不用操劳、烦心,好像她一生也没有这么休息过。   我真后悔没有在伊朗给母亲一个电话。7日胡副主席接见我们8个随行的企业负责人,我汇报了两、三分钟,说到我是华为公司的时候,胡副主席伸出4个指头,说四个公司之一。我本想把这个好消息告诉妈妈,说中央首长还知道我们华为。但我没打,因为以前不管我在国内、国外给我母亲打电话时,她都唠叨:“你又出差了”,“非非你的身体还不如我好呢”,“非非你的皱纹比妈妈还多呢”,“非非你走路还不如我呢,你这么年纪轻轻就这么多病”,“非非,糖尿病参加宴会多了,坏得更快呢,你的心脏又不好”。我想伊朗条件这么差,我一打电话,妈妈又唠叨,反正过不了几天就见面了,就没有打。而这是我一生中最大的憾事。由于时差,我只能在中国时间8日上午一早打,告诉她这个喜讯,如果我真打了,拖延她一、两分钟出门,也许妈妈就躲过了这场灾难。这种悔恨的心情,真是难以形容。   我看了妈妈最后一眼后,妈妈溘然去世。1995年我父亲也是因为在昆明街头的小摊上,买了一瓶塑料包装的软饮料喝后,拉肚子,一直到全身衰竭去世。
  爸爸任摩逊,尽职尽责一生,充其量可以说是一个乡村教育家。妈妈程远昭,是一个陪伴父亲在贫困山区与穷孩子厮混了一生的一个普通得不能再普通的园丁。   爸爸是穿着土改工作队的棉衣,随解放军剿匪部队一同进入贵州少数民族山区去筹建一所民族中学。一头扎进去就是几十年,他培养的学生不少成为党和国家的高级干部,有些还是中央院校的校级领导,而父亲还是那么位卑言微。   爷爷是浙江浦江县的一个做火腿的大师傅,爸爸的兄弟姊妹都没有读过书。由于爷爷的良心发现,也由于爸爸的执着要求,爸爸才读了书。爸爸在北京上大学期间,也是一个热血青年,参加学生运动,进行抗日演讲,反对侵华的田中奏章,还参加过共青团。由于爷爷、奶奶相继病逝,爸爸差一年没有读完大学,辍学回家。时日,正值国共合作开始,全国掀起抗日高潮,父亲在同乡会的介绍下,到广州一个同乡当厂长的国民党军工厂做会计员。由于战争的逼近,工厂又迁到广西融水,后又迁到贵州桐梓。在广西融水期间,爸爸与几个朋友在业余时间,开了一个生活书店,卖革命书籍,又组织一个“七·七”读书会,后来这个读书会中有几十人走上了革命前线,有相当多的人解放后成为党和国家的高级干部。粉碎“四人帮”后,融水重写党史时,还把爸爸邀请过去。   爸爸这段历史,是文革中受磨难最大的一件事情。身在国民党的兵工厂,而又积极宣传抗日,同意共产党的观点,而又没有与共产党地下组织联系。你为什么?这就成了一部分人的疑点。在文革时期,如何解释得清楚。他们总想挖出一条隐藏得很深的大鱼,爸爸受尽了百般的折磨。   妈妈其实只有高中文化程度,她要陪伴父亲,忍受各种屈辱,成为父亲的挡风墙,又要照顾我们兄妹七人,放下粉笔就要和煤球为伍,买菜、做饭、洗衣……又要自修文化,完成自己的教学任务,她最后被评为中学的高级教师。她的学生中,不少是省、地级干部及优秀的技术专家,他们都对母亲的教学责任心印象深刻。妈妈这么低的文化水平,自学成才,个中艰辛,只有她自己知道。   父母虽然较早参加革命,但他们的非无产阶级血统,要融入无产阶级的革命队伍,取得信任,并不是一件容易的事情。他们不可能像普通农民、工人那样政治纯洁。他们是生活在一个复杂的社会中,这个社会又是多元化组成的,不可能只有一种纯洁的物质。历次政治运动中,他们都向党交心,他们思想改造的困难程度要比别人大得多,所受的内心煎熬也非他人所能理解。他们把一生任何一个细节都写得极其详尽,希望组织审查。他们去世后,我请同学去帮助复印父母的档案,同学们看了父母向党交心的材料,都被他们的真情感动得泪流满面。终其一生,他们都是追随革命的,不一定算得上中坚分子,但无愧于党和人民。父亲终在1958年国家吸收一批高级知识分子入党时,入了党。当时向党交心,不像今天这样信息发达,那时,反对个别党员,有可能被说成反党。我们亲眼看到父母的谨小慎微、忘我地拼其全力工作,无暇顾及我们,就如我拼死工作,无暇孝敬他们一样。他们对党和国家、对事业的忠诚,已经历史可鉴。我今天要忏悔的,是我没有抽时间陪陪他们,送送他们。   回想起来,革命的中坚分子在一个社会中是少的,他们能以革命的名义,无私无畏地工作,他们是国家与社会的栋梁。为了选拔这些人,多增加一些审查成本是值得的。而像父母这样追随革命,或拥护革命,或不反对革命的人是多的,他们比不革命好,社会应认同他们,给以机会。不必要求他们那么纯洁,花上这么多精力去审查他们,高标准要求他们,他们达不到也痛苦,而是要精神文明与物质文明一同来支撑,以物质文明来巩固精神文明,以一种机制来促使他们主观上为提高生存质量,客观上是促进革命,充分发挥他们贡献的积极性。我主持华为工作后,我们对待员工,包括辞职的员工都是宽松的,我们只选拔有敬业精神、献身精神、有责任心、使命感的员工进入干部队伍,只对高级干部严格要求。这也是亲历亲见了父母的思想改造的过程,而形成了我宽容的品格。
  我与父母相处的青少年时代,印象最深的就是渡过三年自然灾害的困难时期。今天想来还历历在目。   我们兄妹七个,加上父母共九人。全靠父母微薄的工资来生活,毫无其他来源。本来生活就十分困难,儿女一天天在长大,衣服一天天在变短,而且都要读书,开支很大,每个学期每人交2-3元的学费,到交费时,妈妈每次都发愁。与勉强可以用工资来解决基本生活的家庭相比,我家的困难就更大。我经常看到妈妈月底就到处向人借3-5元钱度饥荒,而且常常走了几家都未必借到。直到高中毕业我没有穿过衬衣。有同学看到很热的天,我穿着厚厚的外衣,说让我向妈妈要一件衬衣,我不敢,因为我知道做不到。我上大学时妈妈一次送我两件衬衣,我真想哭,因为,我有了,弟妹们就会更难了。我家当时是2-3人合用一条被盖,而且破旧的被单下面铺的是稻草。“文革”造反派抄家时,以为一个高级知识分子、专科学校的校长家,不知有多富,结果都惊住了。上大学我要拿走一条被子,就更困难了,因为那时还实行布票、棉花票管制,最少的一年,每人只发0.5米布票。没有被单,妈妈捡了毕业学生丢弃的几床破被单缝缝补补,洗干净,这条被单就在重庆陪我渡过了五年的大学生活。   父母的不自私,那时的处境可以明鉴。我那时14-15岁,是老大,其他一个比一个小,而且不懂事。他们完全可以偷偷地多吃一口粮食,可他们谁也没有这么做。爸爸有时还有机会参加会议,适当改善一下生活。而妈妈那么卑微,不仅要同别的人一样工作,而且还要负担七个孩子的培养、生活。煮饭、洗衣、修煤灶……什么都干,消耗这么大,自己却从不多吃一口。我们家当时是每餐实行严格分饭制,控制所有人欲望的配给制,保证人人都能活下来。不是这样,总会有一个、两个弟妹活不到今天。我真正能理解活下去这句话的含义。   我高三快高考时,有时在家复习功课,实在饿得受不了了,用米糠和菜合一下,烙着吃,被爸爸碰上几次,他心疼了。其实那时我家穷得连一个可上锁的柜子都没有,粮食是用瓦缸装着,我也不敢去随便抓一把,否则也有一、两个弟妹活不到今天。(我的不自私也是从父母身上学到的,华为今天这么成功,与我不自私有一点关系。)后三个月,妈妈经常早上塞给我一个小小的玉米饼,要我安心复习功课,我能考上大学,小玉米饼功劳巨大。如果不是这样,也许我也进不了华为这样的公司,社会上多了一名养猪能手,或街边多了一名能工巧匠而已。这个小小的玉米饼,是从父母与弟妹的口中抠出来的,我无以报答他们。   1997年我国的高等教育制度改革,开始向学生收费,而配套的助学贷款又没跟上,华为集团向教育部捐献了2500万元寒门学子基金。
  父亲一生谨小慎微,自知地位不高,从不乱发言而埋头在学问中,可在“文革”横扫一切牛鬼蛇神的运动中,他还是被揪出来,反动学术权威、走资派、历史有问题的人……万劫难逃。他最早被关进牛棚。   1967年重庆武斗激烈时,我扒火车回家。因为没有票,还在火车上挨过上海造反队的打,我说我补票也不行,硬把我推下火车。也挨过车站人员的打,回家还不敢直接在父母工作的城市下车,而在前一站青太坡下车,步行十几里回去。半夜回到家,父母见我回来了,来不及心疼,让我明早一早就走,怕人知道,受牵连,影响我的前途。爸爸脱下他的一双旧皮鞋给我,第二天一早我就走了,临走,父亲说了几句话:“记住知识就是力量,别人不学,你要学,不要随大流。”“以后有能力要帮助弟妹。”背负着这种重托,我在重庆枪林弹雨的环境下,将樊映川的高等数学习题集从头到尾做了两遍,学习了许多逻辑、哲学。还自学了三门外语,当时已到可以阅读大学课本的程度,终因我不是语言天才,加之在军队服务时用不上,20多年荒废,完全忘光了。我当年穿走爸爸的皮鞋,没念及爸爸那时是做苦工的,泥里水里,冰冷潮湿,他更需要鞋子。现在回忆起来,感觉自己太自私了。   “文革”中,我家的经济状况,陷入了比自然灾害时期还困难的境地。中央文革为了从经济上打垮走资派,下文控制他们的人均标准生活费不得高于15元。而且各级造反派层层加码,真正到手的平均10元左右。我有同学在街道办事处工作,介绍弟妹们到河里挖砂子,修铁路抬土方……,弟妹们在我结婚时,大家集在一起,送了我100元。这都是他们在冰冷的河水中筛砂,修铁路时冒着在土方塌方中被掩埋的危险……挣来的。那时的生活艰苦还能忍受,心痛比身痛要严重得多,由于父亲受审查的背景影响,弟妹们一次又一次的入学录取被否定,那个年代对他们的损失就是没有机会接受高等教育。除了我大学读了三年就开始文化大革命外,其他弟妹有些高中、初中、高小、初小都没读完,他们后来适应人生的技能,都是自学来的。从现在的回顾来看,物质的艰苦生活以及心灵的磨难是我们后来人生的一种成熟的宝贵财富。   “文革”对国家是一场灾难,但对我们是一次人生的洗礼,使我政治上成熟起来,不再是单纯的一个书呆子。我虽然也参加了轰轰烈烈的红卫兵运动,但我始终不是红卫兵,这也是一个奇观。因为父亲受审的影响,哪一派也不批准我参加红卫兵。后来我入伍后,也是因为父亲问题,一直没有通过入党申请,直到粉碎“四人帮”以后。
  1976年10月,中央一举粉碎了“四人帮”,使我们得到了翻身解放。我一下子成了奖励“暴发户”。“文革”中,无论我如何努力,一切立功、受奖的机会均与我无缘。在我领导的集体中,战士们立三等功、二等功、集体二等功,几乎每年都大批涌出,而唯我这个领导者,从未受过嘉奖。我已习惯了我不应得奖的平静生活,这也是我今天不争荣誉的心理素质培养。粉碎“四人帮”以后,生活翻了个个儿,因为我两次填补过国家空白,又有技术发明创造,合乎那时的时代需要,突然一下子“标兵、功臣……”部队与地方的奖励排山倒海式地压过来。我这人也热不起来,许多奖品都是别人去代领回来的,我又分给了大家。   1978年3月我出席了全国科学大会,6000人的代表中,仅有150多人在35岁以下,我33 岁。我也是军队代表中少有的非党人士。在兵种党委的直接关怀下,部队未等我父亲平反,就直接去为查清我父亲的历史进行外调,否定了一些不实之词,并把他们的调查结论,寄给我父亲所在的地方组织。我终于入了党。后来又出席了党的第十二次全国代表大会。父亲把我与党中央领导合影的照片,做了一个大大的镜框,挂在墙上,全家都引以自豪。   我父亲也在粉碎“四人帮”后不久平反。由于那时百废待兴,党组织需要尽快恢复一些重点中学,提高高考的升学率,让他去做校长。“文革”前他是一个专科学校的校长。他不计较升降,不计较得失,只认为有了一种工作机会,全身心地投进去了,很快就把教学质量抓起来了,升学率达到了90%多,成为远近闻名的学校。他直到1984年75岁才退休。他说,他总算赶上了一个尾巴,干了一点事。他希望我们珍惜时光,好好干。至此,我们就各忙各的,互相关心不了了。我为老一辈的政治品行自豪,他们从牛棚中放出来,一恢复组织生活,都拼命地工作。他们不以物喜,不以己悲,不计荣辱,爱国爱党,忠于事业的精神值得我们这一代人、下一代人、下下一代人学习。生活中不可能没有挫折,但一个人为人民奋斗的意志不能动摇。   我有幸在罗瑞卿同志逝世前三个月,有机会聆听了他为全国科学大会军队代表的讲话,说未来十几年是一个难得的和平时期,我们要抓紧全力投入经济建设。我那时年轻,缺少政治头脑,并不明白其含意。过了两、三年大裁军,我们整个兵种全部被裁掉,我才理解了什么叫预见性的领导。 转入地方后,不适应商品经济,也无驾驭它的能力,一开始我在一个电子公司当经理也栽过跟斗,被人骗过。后来也是无处可以就业,才被迫创建华为的。华为的前几年是在十分艰难困苦的条件下起步的。这时父母、侄子与我住在一间十几平方米的小房里,在阳台上做饭。他们处处为我担心,生活也十分节省。攒一些钱说是为了将来救我。(听妹妹说,母亲去世前两个月,还与妹妹说,她存有几万元,以后留着救哥哥,他总不会永远都好。母亲在被车撞时,她身上只装了几十元钱,又未带任何证件,是作为无名氏被110抢救的。中午吃饭时,妹妹、妹夫才发现她未回来,四处寻找,才知道遇车祸。可怜天下父母心,一个母亲的心有多纯。)当时在广东卖鱼虾,一死就十分便宜,父母他们专门买死鱼、死虾吃,说这比内地还新鲜呢!晚上出去买菜与西瓜,因为卖不掉的菜,便宜一些。我也无暇顾及他们的生活,以致母亲糖尿病严重我还不知道,是邻居告诉我的。华为有了规模发展后,管理转换的压力十分巨大,我不仅照顾不了父母,而且连自己也照顾不了,我的身体也是那一段时间累垮的。我父母这时才转去昆明我妹妹处定居。我也因此理解了要奋斗就会有牺牲,华为的成功,使我失去了孝敬父母的机会与责任,也消蚀了自己的健康。   回顾我自己已走过的历史,扪心自问,我一生无愧于祖国、无愧于人民,无愧于事业与员工,无愧于朋友,唯一有愧的是对不起父母,没条件时没有照顾他们,有条件时也没有照顾他们。   

Sunday, December 17, 2006

BBQ + Pakistan Most Beautiful

This morning, due to the regional VP is here, my colleague and I were invited to join them for barbeque next to the lake, at first I thought it was the lake that we used to hunt , but it is not, we drove to a place which is about 80 minutes drive, it is a government dam which has a nice view. Commoners are not allowed to visit the dam, but one colleague called up the authority and told him that our regional office VP have to leave tomorrow, so he hope that the official can let them in to the dam.Surprisingly, they let us passed.

My colleague "kick" the driver away and ask him to take taxi back, so I take control of the Honday City iDSI, 1.5M. I was telling my colleague that I miss driving, and here comes my chance to drive. So I really had a good time and the so called Pakistan most beautiful is sitting next to me, felt a bit pressure too... heheh. There were two cars and eight person going for such a short trip, along the way, I was surprised to find out that the toll employees let our car passed by just because we are "Chinese". I think Pakistan and China really have a strong political friendship with each other, perhaps, "strong alliance" would be more appropriate, just like USA and UK, which they fought the Nazis together with each others like brothers.

It has been some time I didn't do the BBQ thing, and I never enjoy much on BBQ because eating BBQ food very often will increase the chances of cancer. However, today it is different, we had the Pakistan "Most beautiful" girl prepare the BBQ for us, I think the food was great, especially the mutton, and perhaps it is also because of the nice view at the dam, cool wind and sunlight. I really felt like I am in California!
Talking about the so called Pakistan most beautiful girl (which I agree), she is not our company's colleague, she said she lived in Pakistan for seven years, she is originally from Xin Jiang, she told me that she came here for study and fell in love with the country so she decided to stay here, now she is running a guest house and trading business in Pakistan.
In case you are curious how she looks like, sorry I didn't get to take pictures with her, she has nice long hair, pretty eyes, not so pointed nose, slim but not skinny. And there she had my vote for the prettiest chinese girl in Pakistan.

Monday, November 27, 2006

The visit to Faisal Mosque

Shah Faisal Mosques is the largest mosque in South Asia, it is located not more than 10 minutes drive from out guest house. Me and my housemate went there on Saturday afternoon to check out the sacred area of Muslims.
I feel a bit lazy to put the pic in my blog, however, you can check it from wikipedia if you are interested to find out how it looks like. :)
Due to we are foreigners, a number of Pakistanies viewed us like we are from different planet when we walked around the big mosque. There were lots of teenages there too, I guess may be is their school holiday or what (mostly girls around 12-15 years old). My good looking colleagues was dragged by a bunch of girls students so that they can take picture with her again and again from different batch like a celebrity. However, I also hope that I can take picture with the locals but the teenage girls shy away when me and another male colleague approach them. Well, we were invited by some guys too, they use their phone cameras to take some pictures of us... Perhaps Chinese faces are something new to them. Hahhaa. :)

Night Hunting

Just came back from a full meal in company canteen. We had rabbit meat as main course.
The night before I joined my colleagues for night hunting. I am not a fan of hunting game and I don't feel excited carrying a gun to shoot rabbit, fox or wild boar. I just join them for some lifetime experience.
We sat inside three Toyota Hilux pickup trucks and drove offroad to the plains surrouding a lake in Islamabad, I forgot what's the lake' name may be called Rawa lake or something.
The night was damn cold out there, I think is only few degree celcius out there. We waited at the hunter's house for half and hour before we start our hunting, at first, I thought we are going to hold the gun and hunt for wild animals, at the end, it is we who sit inside the car and watch the hunter fire their guns. One of the hunter that wear a glasses doesn't look like a "hunter" to me, from what I heard from my colleague, he is a lawyer. He explained to me about the difference of the 12 gauge bullets, blue color is for birds, red color bullets are for rabbits, the trasparent bullet with several iron balls are for hunting wild boars, etc... I checked out the hunting guns that they have, one is double barrel and another one is a Italian made hunting rifle that can load 4 shots. His said his uncle possess a M16 somewhere in the house when I ask him do u have a AK-47. However, his uncle refuse to take it out, so I don't have the chance to hold the real thing.
So when everyone is read, the driver drove everyone one out to the plains... one guy hold the spotlight wiring the power from the truck battery and another hold the rifle, whenever they spot the rabbit, the hunter will fire their shots. Once they hit the rabbit, they will rush to it and catch the rabbit. What they do is they will take out a hunting knife and slice the throat of the rabbit right away. The poor rabbit will start to bleed and died in a minute. The scene was a bit bloody and I don't think I can do that if you give me the knife.
There was a time while we drive around the bushes, the driver came a cross a fox that is very close to the truck. I think I can reach the fox withing three regular paces because I was sitting close to the window on the right side. I was praying inside my heart and tell the little fox to run quickly. Luckily, the hunters who stand behind the car trunk didn't notice the fox even though they shoot the lights to the bushes. The driver at the front keep on pointing the direction of the fox, but the fox manage escaped from their eyes through camouflage and with the protection of the bushes. I felt happy when the fox left safely.
In about two hours, we managed to hunt down three rabbits and then we stopped next to a rocky wall which the hunter let us do some "target practice". Off course, I don't waste such golden opportunity to try out the rifles. I had a few trial shots with the double barrel gun and the Italian made hunting rifle. I prefer the Italian made rifle due to it is more stable when you pull the trigger. I also found out that the lawyer hunter is a sharp shooter.
We reached home around 11:45pm at night...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sad but true

While Malaysia fiddles, its opportunities are running dry

Michael BackmanNovember 15, 2006

MALAYSIA'S been at it again, arguing about what proportion of the economy each of its two main races — the Malays and the Chinese — owns. It's an argument that's been running for 40 years. That wealth and race are not synonymous is important for national cohesion, but really it's time Malaysia grew up.
It's a tough world out there and there can be little sympathy for a country that prefers to argue about how to divide wealth rather than get on with the job of creating it.
The long-held aim is for 30 per cent of corporate equity to be in Malay hands, but the figure that the Government uses to justify handing over huge swathes of public companies to Malays but not to other races is absurd. It bases its figure on equity valued, not at market value, but at par value.
Many shares have a par value of say $1 but a market value of $12. And so the Government figure (18.9 per cent is the most recent figure) is a gross underestimate. Last month a paper by a researcher at a local think-tank came up with a figure of 45 per cent based on actual stock prices. All hell broke loose. The paper was withdrawn and the researcher resigned in protest. Part of the problem is that he is Chinese.
"Malaysia boleh!" is Malaysia's national catch cry. It translates to "Malaysia can!" and Malaysia certainly can. Few countries are as good at wasting money. It is richly endowed with natural resources and the national obsession seems to be to extract these, sell them off and then collectively spray the proceeds up against the wall.
This all happens in the context of Malaysia's grossly inflated sense of its place in the world.
Most Malaysians are convinced that the eyes of the world are on their country and that their leaders are world figures. This is thanks to Malaysia's tame media and the bravado of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. The truth is, few people on the streets of London or New York could point to Malaysia on a map much less name its prime minister or capital city.
As if to make this point, a recent episode of The Simpsons features a newsreader trying to announce that a tidal wave had hit some place called Kuala Lumpur. He couldn't pronounce the city's name and so made up one, as if no-one cared anyway. But the joke was on the script writers — Kuala Lumpur is inland.
Petronas, the national oil company is well run, particularly when compared to the disaster that passes for a national oil company in neighbouring Indonesia. But in some respects, this is Malaysia's problem. The very success of Petronas means that it is used to underwrite all manner of excess.

The KLCC development in central Kuala Lumpur is an example. It includes the Twin Towers, the tallest buildings in the world when they were built, which was their point.
It certainly wasn't that there was an office shortage in Kuala Lumpur — there wasn't.
Malaysians are very proud of these towers. Goodness knows why. They had little to do with them. The money for them came out of the ground and the engineering was contracted out to South Korean companies.
They don't even run the shopping centre that's beneath them. That's handled by Australia's Westfield.
Next year, a Malaysian astronaut will go into space aboard a Russian rocket — the first Malay in space. And the cost? $RM95 million ($A34.3 million), to be footed by Malaysian taxpayers. The Science and Technology Minister has said that a moon landing in 2020 is the next target, aboard a US flight. There's no indication of what the Americans will charge for this, assuming there's even a chance that they will consider it. But what is Malaysia getting by using the space programs of others as a taxi service? There are no obvious technical benefits, but no doubt Malaysians will be told once again, that they are "boleh". The trouble is, they're not. It's not their space program.
Back in July, the Government announced that it would spend $RM490 million on a sports complex near the London Olympics site so that Malaysian athletes can train there and "get used to cold weather".
But the summer Olympics are held in the summer.
So what is the complex's real purpose? The dozens of goodwill missions by ministers and bureaucrats to London to check on the centre's construction and then on the athletes while they train might provide a clue.
Bank bale outs, a formula one racing track, an entire new capital city — Petronas has paid for them all. It's been an orgy of nonsense that Malaysia can ill afford.
Why? Because Malaysia's oil will run out in about 19 years. As it is, Malaysia will become a net oil importer in 2011 — that's just five years
So it's in this context that the latest debate about race and wealth is so sad.
It is time to move on, time to prepare the economy for life after oil. But, like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, the Malaysian Government is more interested in stunts like sending a Malaysian into space when Malaysia's inadequate schools could have done with the cash, and arguing about wealth distribution using transparently ridiculous statistics.
That's not Malaysia "boleh", that's Malaysia "bodoh" (stupid).

The office in Islamabad

There are only a few tall buildings in Islamabad, our company rented three floors in a tall building called Saudi Pak Tower, I am not going to use the word , "skycraper" because it ain't that tall.
The UN South Asia HQ was located at the same building too, you can see guards and white color UN vehicles in the neighborhood and office.
A Chinese staff told me that this is the worst office environment, I thought he is comparing with Shen Zhen office, so I tested him. I asked whether is his first time you go oversea. He said, No, he been to several other offices in different country and none of it was as bad as this one.
Ok, let me tell you why it is so bad, the first impression that you walk into the office, you feel that the ceiling was too low and it is over crowded, you feel that you have limited space and that makes you doesn't feel good about it. Secondly, it was dirty and old, design was very outdated, I start to cough for the few days and so does my colleague, she said she feel like she is inhaling dust and always feel very dry in the office. I am sure the filter of the A/C is seriously clogged and the floor really needs some mopping.. today I really feel like taking all of the filter out and clean it for god sake.

Guest House in Pakistan

We arrived at our hotel about 9:30pm at night, the guest house we moved in was quite lousy, I would say, a Chinese colleague told me that he stayed there for two nights and moved out right away. I let my colleague pick the room that she likes, then I choose the remaining choices. The one on basement smells and the one on the top floor seems to me is a better choice.

I don't really like it but I have no choice, the bathroom on the top floor is not located in my room, I have to crossed the hallway to the bathroom. It was quite cold at the top floor due to the window was opened, I didn't take a shower that day because it is a bit late and too cold for me. The hot water is not hot enough in that house. Some of the paint from the ceiling is falling off, the flakes dropped on top of the bed and I have to abandon the other bed and changed to another bed so I won't inhale those chemical, the furniture inside the room is quite old... I woke up around 5am that day due to I am freezing out and start to feel hungry.

One thing that both me and my colleague like about the guest house is the manager of the guest house is quite friendly, however, the place is really beat up and we don't plan to stay there for the entire business trip, we moved out after four nights staying there...

Things that I like about the guest house:
1. Friendly Guest House Manager
2. Bigger TV with channels like HBO, Fox, CNN, Discovery, Nat Geo, etc..
3. Close to food court

Things I hate
1. Looks Old
2. Water Heater not good enough, water temparature is not consistent, sometimes you only get warm water.
3. My colleague saw a cockroach in the restroom when she take a shower. (Hope is not a big one)
4. Paint falling off from the ceiling
5. Too cold (I requested a gas heater the other day)
6. Toilet that looks old and you are not sure when the toilet is going to clog.

Now I had moved to a new guest house.
Things I like:
1. Better room (after comparing another 2 guest house)and newer toilet
2. Internet connection ready
3. Bigger Room
4. Adequate TV channels with Chinese Channel if you want.
5. Close to supermarket, may be I should use the word, "Store".

Things I hate:
1. 13 inch TV (R u kidding me? Or they want to test my eye sight?)
2. Not so close to food source.

Fast food

It happened in Karachi, Pakistan airport when me and my colleague wait for our plane for transit to Islamabad...
I felt a bit hungry and I am not sure whether I can find any food source once I arrive Islamabad, so I decided to order some fast food to eat before boarding the plane, local time is 6 something PM. I am glad I saw the big "M", once me and my colleague secure a seat, I go and place my order for a McDonald Meal.
I walked to the small McDonald Counter...

Me: Good Evening, Can I order the McNugget Meal?
(For your info, the Mc Nugget meal at the airport consider an expensive in Pakistan standard, it cost 210RS which is about RM13-14, if you have a meal in regular local restaurant, a plate of rice, a drumstick and two beef+potato cake only cost RS80-90.)

Attendant: Yes, no problem. Can you wait sir?

Me: Huhh??? (I am sure that I am ordering "fast food", am I?) ....... Wait for how long?

Attendant: Twenty minutes.

Me: Twenty minutes? Errr... Ok.. I will wait..

I paid that guy and look at my watch and prepare to wait...

After 15 minutes, I received my Mc Nuggets, one of the worst MCD meal that I had... The fries and nuggets didn't taste as good as it suppose to be, but somehow I tried my best to finish everything and wait for the plane...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Poker with Joker

During Raya holidays, spent two nights having fun with friends on play a recently invented new Poker game, we called it, "Poker with Joker".

Here is how it was played:
1. Everbody put a minimum bet on the "pot". Shuffle the cards and each players receive five cards.
2. You can changed your card from "0" to "3" to make you cards with the biggest rank as possible according to poker rules*
3. Once the unwanted card(s) are released for changes, each person was given a chance to raise his or her bet to the pot based on the largest cards that you thrown out, off course, you can give away your rights if you don't want to raise the pot.
4. Take the cards from the deck in sequence, based on who throw out the largest cards, Ace is the biggest and number 2 is the smallest. When both have the same cards such as two Aces, he who have the best "flower" wins.. the sequence is Spade, Heart, Club and then Diamond.
5. So at the end, each person should had 5 cards on hand, if you have 6 cards due to you mistook an extra card, you are consider disqualified. Then, each players throw out one of the cards from your hand and then we will see who make the call first, tactically speaking, most people prefer to throw out the smallest card on hand so that he or she can make the final call.
6. Each players will raise the pot the second time, those who hold the weakest set of cards will usually fold in this round due to after they have a swap on the three cards but still didn't get what they want. Off course, the smart and bold players can always raise a bet that will scare off the remaining players and make each of them fold their cards in order to win the pot money.
7. Ok. The fun part of Poker with Joker is, there were four jokers mixed to the 52 cards, that makes 56 cards, Joker is like a card that can "transform" itself to whatever cards you like, but when the "authentic" cards will always prevail the "joker-tranformed" cards, the original one will always beat the fake one, let say both had a Spade Flush, one of the player had Ace in Spade and another player had 3 cards in spade in two jokers, the second player cannot say that he want his joker to be transformed into Ace in spade, due to the player with real Ace in spade prevails him, and also the "five of a kind rule" doesn't exist in Poker with Joker.
8. Finally, after everyone has made their calls, all players will show his set of cards, the person who has the best hand wins all the pot money.

*Poker rules in sequence.
1. Royal Flush (A,K,Q,J,10 all in spade)
2. Straight Flush (5 cards in sequence, 2,3,4,5, etc... and with the same flower such as diamond, hearts, etc)
3. Four of a kind (Eg. Four Kings)
4. Full house (Three of a kind + a pair, eg, KKKJJ)
5. Flush (5 cards hold the same flower)
6. Straight (5 cards in sequece, eg. A,2,3,4,5 or 8,9,10,J,Q)
7. Three of a kind(eg. Three Queens on hand)
8. Two Pairs (eg. JJ, QQ)
9. One Pair (eg. 10,10)
10. No pair (then it will depend on the biggest cards on hand)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Long Hoe Fong - HK

Have steamboat at my friend's apartment.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Basket ball members

My height is around 174cm, these center player at the back really makes me looks kinda short. :)

Check point inspection

I don't understand why the Sri Lanka mall close at 3pm on Sunday, well, I think the term, "mall" shouldn't apply to the shopping center in Sri Lanka, because it is really small, the four storey mall is the size of one floor Giant supermarket in Kelana Giant,
Bought some children clothes for my niece and nephew and my mom too, I board the first tuk-tuk who approach, like usual, the damn tuk tuk driver asking a fare of 300rs, which 200rs is about right and reasonable, this kind of driver I could have ignored it because of their dishonesty, however, I board the tuk-tuk because I don't want to waste my time. Off course, he agreed at 200rs to take me back.
The traffic is not that bad on Sunday, you see, the air quality in Sri Lanka is not so good due to a lot of old cars like the tuk-tuk and buses running around, or perhaps, I have been sitting in cars or public transport like LRT most of the time and I forgot how was it like to travel open air.
When we passed by a checkpoint, the soldier waved on my driver and ask him to stop for inspection. For the past few months, the north side of Sri Lanka was harrassed by the Tamil Tigers, which they called it the rebels, the peace talk ambasaddor was assasinated this year, that is the reason why the company is giving the Chinese employees an extra of USD20 every day for their allowance. Well, I hope I can benifit from that, but apparently I don't think so.
The driver pulled over the three wheelers and the soldiers asked him to show his papers... Can't really blame the troops because this driver really looks like a crook to me too. I sat behind the driver, checking out the guards' FN FAL assault rifles, I saw there were two pouches on the soldier, each pouch stores 2 cartridges of magazines for the rifle, I think they really means business, if there is a gun fight, the extra magazines will come in handy.
Another guard lean down his head and ask me where do I come from, I told him Malaysia. He requested me to show him my passport. I told him that I left it in the hotel, (come on, who the hell will bring his passport here and there?) I asked him, can I give you my ID instead? I took out my wallet and hand him my Malaysian ID, The guard took it and look at it. At the same time, the guard who carries the FN FAL rifle inspected the papers of the driver, may be he want to make sure that this fella is legit. I notice the hand of the driver is shaking a bit during the inspection process... I think a lot of people will, especially when you stand so close to the gun point.
Lucky the soldier did not give any hard time to foreigners like me, or else I will be screwed because I don't have a passport with me at that time. Somehow I think Sri Lankans quite respect the foreigners, I also had one experience that the guy in food court gave me some rice for free even though I didn't pay for it, because I ordered a lamb curry and they only give me lamb curry instead of lamb curry with rice, when I told him that I will pay for the rice, he give me a signal that he will give the rice to me, FOC.
After the inspection, we are free to go, paid the tuk tuk driver 500rs, and he gave me back 270Rs because that is what he got, I get off the three wheeler and walked back to my room...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Lord of Wars

Just finished watching this movie from Nicholas Cage, the title is "Lord of Wars", Cage plays Yuri, an arm dealer, there are several lines that I think is quite funny:
1. "I sold guns to every army but the Salvation Army."
2. Militia: This is your hotel, 2 stars!
Militia asked, " Can you bring me the gun of Rambo?"
Yuri: Part one, two, or three?
Militia: I have only seen Part I
Yuri: The M-60.
3. "Is like parking your car in a certain neighborhood in Bronx, you just don't do it..." The africans dismantle a cargo plane within 24 hrs, like ants tear the dead cockroach apart.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


今天早上,我和我的roomate,姓平,名安,坐在公车上等其他同事上车,停车场里面停放了一部Kia Sorento,车牌是"4444".
P=平安, K=我(Kwong)
P: 对, 但是学音乐的人应该会喜欢这种车牌...
K: Huh? 为什么? So, So, So, So?
P: 不是, 是 Fa, Fa, Fa, Fa.. 发,发,发,发...
K: ..... (Do, Re, Mi, Fa.... 哎呀,乐理太烂了!)
K: 哈哈,这样也被你想出来...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

1st Day in Sri Lanka

Another rushing day for me... Flight at 1:55pm, but arrive the airport at 12:30pm, lucky that is not many people flying via Sri Lanka Airline. First time I travel with this airline... all the air stewardess wear Saris, the air hostess that serve my area is quite pretty, big and pretty eyes with "kuaci" face, I think she is the prettiest girl that I met the whole day, the only turn off will be the excess meat around her tummy, I think that still makes her quite pretty despite the meat. :)
My flight is going to stop in Singapore for transit, it is a waste that this business trip didn't help me accumulate any mileage points for my MAS or Cathay card, due to MAS was fully booked and Cathay was not allowed by the company.
Met a Malaysia Indian businessman on the plane, should have said that he is the one who approached me, he said that he was a trader dealing with Sea cucumber, scallops, shark fins(I will not sell shark fins in my life!), etc.. Chinese called it "Sea-taste" business from Penang. He was heading to Chennai and will drop by Sri Lanka for a few days when he is returning to Malaysia. So we exchanged contacts and hopefully get to learn something from him... This guy was quite good in socializing, I think he talked to several Malaysians in the plane by sitting around.
The plane landed at 5pm sharp. My first impression with the Sri Lanka airport is that the place is better than India airport. Once I reached the arrival hall, I already saw someone holding a sign board with my name, so I just followed them.. the guy wants to push the trolley for me, my first reaction is I don't want him to do so, due to my bad experience in India...Anyway, I let him do it for me at the end.
It takes about 1 hr to reach the company "hostel" that I am going to stay, along the way, I think the place looks a bit like some rural areas in Malaysia 15 years ago. One thing for sure the road condition is not as bad as India. There are more greenery and less dust. There are also less beggars compare to India.
After unloading my stuff, I walk to a dining place to have my dinner, had some Sri Lankaan food in a food court, the taste is ok and it is damn spicy too, anyway, I manage to finish 95% of it...
There was a supermarket next to the food court, went there to grab some water supply (5L of mineral water) and two rolls of toilet paper, so I don't have to use my house-mate toilet paper. Lucky I brought my own towel, cuz last time I forgot to do so because I thought I am staying in hotel.. After shopping, took a shower and start writing my blog.
My physiological time is already 12:25am now, so I think I better go to bed, my watch reads 10pm...(yawn...)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Arrived at the train station in Guilin

inside the train heading to GuiLin

Places that we visited while in Guangzhou

After lunch at GuangZhou

first day to Gui Lin

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Park Plaza 5-stars Hotel in Mumbai.