This afternoon I told my friend I want to blog about G2000, I told him that probably this would have be my final G2000 merchandise. Why? This is because I think it is not value for money, the materials are so so only.
Yesterday I spent 2 hours shopping at KLCC Isetan after I finish my basketball game, contributed Rm400+ to boost Malaysia's economy, like I am trying to fill a lake with my piss.
I bought one Van Heusen shirt, an American brand, one of my favourite budget shirt which give away good discount, the shirt regular price is Rm169.00 and they are giving away 70%(one day only), a very tempting offer. I only get one cuz I have enough shirts inside my cabinet.
Then, I saw some shirt on sale at G200o counter too, Rm89 with the discount of 50%, I touch the material but I don't really like it that much, however, the color looks okay to me. So I decided to get one because after 50% off, it is going to be around Rm44.50 only. The shirt was wrapped in plastic, so I didn't check if the shirt is actually 100% cotton. From my first impression, the shirt quality belongs to those that worth Rm20-30 (max)range. The only good thing is the cutting is still okay.
After I went home, my mom saw the stuff that I bought. She said the cloth material is not good, after checking the tag, it reads "55% cotton, 45% Polyester". I was like, "Oh Shit! I am so regret!". Buying a shirt with less than 100% cotton, it means that your sweat will be more likely to trap inside your shirt. It is not a good choice if you wear something with polyester in the country that is hot and humid. On the other hand, she commented that the Van Heusen (VH) shirt is nice, she rather pay Rm20 extra for the VH shirt.
Sometimes I don't know what is so good about G2000 in Malaysia, before that, I didn't even heard about it before I came back to Malaysia. I know quite a lot of guys buy their products. G2000 is a HK brand where the cutting is well fitted for Asians. One thing I found out that G2000 pants got one problem, I am not sure other Asian guys have this problem or not. Perhaps is my problem! I am going to bring up this issue today, I find that I can't wear their pants with a boxer, reason is because their pants are too fit, since it was designed for Asians, they assume those who wear G2000 are skinny and with small butt. To be honest, my scrotum doesn't feel comfortable when I was wearing the tight working pants with a boxer. In terms of pants, I would say Dockers are damn good, nice cutting, and your scrotum gets to breath. The only problem is their pants are quite expensive in Malaysia. Shirt wise, my favourite is Brooks Brothers, a old brand from U.S.. According to Wikipedia, the time when Abraham Lincoln was murdered, he was wearing a Brooks Brothers' jacket. Let's not mixed up "Brooks Brothers" with "Brooks".
So after this experience with G2000 (trying to sell a 45% polyester product at RM89 regular price) I have decided not to buy any of their products anymore until they make me feel that their product is value for money. I will reconsider when it comes to pants. For similar price, why not get a Van Heusen that offer better material and nice cutting too?
Between G2000 and S2000, you better pick something like a S2000 which has better value. Good performance that doesn't burn a hole in your pocket.

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