Wednesday, May 26, 2010

美女為何老愛嫁豬頭 帥哥為何總愛吃豬扒?

Received this funny article from a friend:

美女為何老愛嫁豬頭 帥哥為何總愛吃豬扒?
本帖被 我愛奶炮 執行加亮操作(2010-05-25)

以往看到很登對的帥哥美女情侶 最後結婚時,身旁的人都換了

美女經常是嫁給豬頭 而帥哥都吃豬扒大餐
曾私下跟人八卦這話題 多數人總是戲稱
美女喜歡跟帥哥談戀愛,結婚時卻會考慮長期飯票 ;


這是個很悲觀的結論 它隱喻著豬頭年輕時都沒人要,想娶美女只能苦幹實幹,累積經濟實力


她大小姐可是一樣都沒少 對年輕豬頭而言,

既然伸頭是一刀,縮頭也是一刀 老子乾脆努力賺錢,每個月提撥點錢去喝茶吃魚,幹中上素質美女

而且時間更省 最重要的是 花錢幹神女不用受良家的鳥氣!

等老子有錢了,即便已經四十歲,頭髮稀疏,大肚便便 只要社經地位夠,多的是機會娶到三十左右的輕熟美女 難道還讓老子回頭吃豬扒嗎?

至於帥哥的心路歷程 我訪談的結果是這樣的,
認不認同由您 "戀愛時美女玩膩了,結婚應該找個性合得來的女人,外表其實也沒那麼重要,反正過幾年都會老到不能看”

我年輕時當他們放屁 現在卻是悔不聽君言
不管這些主流見解能否解釋這怪異現象 我身旁有兩個活生生的不登對實例

案例一 美女配豬頭

在我收到A女喜帖後,已經把時間預留下 準備去看這傳說中的帥哥新郎本尊如何
還有人說她離職了 等她回到崗位,卻是一副憔悴失神模樣

經過八卦組的調查,她的未婚夫偷吃被她逮到 而第三者竟然已經介入三年之久,
她完全被蒙在骨裡,知道時幾乎崩潰 我佩服A女快刀斬亂麻的痛快性格,完全不給男友任何解釋平反機會
新郎是竹科儀器廠商的業務經理,三十七歲開BMW520 年薪多少我不清楚,但或許是酒色過度,婚禮看到新郎已經是個中年小老頭模樣

案例二 帥哥吃豬扒

直到碩士畢業才回到父親企業上班 外型高大帥氣,不輸檯面上的男模
從我認識他以來,身旁女友換了N個 一個比一個漂亮,一個比一個條件好 有日X航空姐,外資卷商sell-side的金融女,有安XX的顧問美女 還有父執輩介紹的,也是家世背景不錯的氣質千金

託這位摯友的福,我也認識了很多在事業跟投資上 能給我許多良好建議的朋友,男的女的都有 我一直都覺得他應該會跟金融圈的美女結婚,
因為有個交往多年的業內女友 學歷好,氣質佳,最重要是個性婉約,交際手腕高明 就連我們這些狐群狗黨,她也能聊天相處愉快.

然而,跌破眾人眼鏡 婚禮的新娘是外型很普通,個性很閉俗的陌生女孩,
出身在公務員家庭 告別單身那晚,被我們抱怨不夠意思,有這種”極品”竟然私藏那麼久

而他說出來的話讓我們目瞪口呆又自嘆不如 在那麼多女友裡,只有這個外表很普通,個性很內向的乖乖妹 會用獨自飲泣來面對他的外遇,
其他的正妹都是歇斯底里抓狂,又哭又鬧 詭異的是,這些漂亮的瘋婆子事後多能接受他的懺悔
最高紀錄有被抓包又復合五次的 乖乖妹不吵不鬧,只會默默流淚
我的靈魂永遠屬於妳一人 我的肉體要經常普渡眾生
他們已經開始規劃女兒的讀書計畫 剛開始是打算念復X貴族小學
就可以讓女兒念歐僑學校,以後到歐洲留學也更方便 內人對這話題聽得津津有味,

我卻是百感交集 一樣都是熟女媽媽,年輕時一個很漂亮,一個很普通 但生了小孩,操持家務幾年後,好像都差不多的………………….熟啊...

可是,摯友能堂而皇之的捻花惹草,只要人跟錢記得回家就好 而我,自己做生意的關係,私房錢有多少老婆根本不知道
當外籍菲傭還能公開在教堂交男朋友 拎娘勒!

我這個本土男傭竟連吃個野味都得偷偷摸摸 情何以堪啊?
當我們做錯商業或投資決策 虧了幾百甚至幾千萬 雖然很痛,但都有機會加倍拿回來 可是在婚姻上,一旦你做錯決策,那將是終身監禁的無期徒刑 各位未婚的大大 結婚前千萬要想清楚啊!!!

再回頭談談美女嫁給豬頭的命運 哈哈….這還用我多說嗎?
豬頭有錢之後自然就會變帥哥了 而美女不管嫁給誰,年復一年的,也只能往豬扒這條不歸路走 多數男人都可以允許美女嬌縱任性 但誰能放縱豬扒拿翹跋扈呢?

古人說 “紅顏薄命” 這不是說美女會早死,而是說美人的命運通常都不太好 這真是智慧之言啊!!!

各位看看螢幕上那些嫁入豪門,婚後卻經常上報紙八卦版面的 王X螢,賈X雯,溫X蘋……………..etc…
這些美女有些確實已經人老珠黃了,美色不再 而有些還算保養得很好,但老公偏偏經常在外亂搞 Why?

因為金錢讓這些男人充滿性魅力 除卻男人與生俱來的豬哥性 外面的小模,夜店咖,飯局咖,乃至形象不錯的社交名媛 看你有錢有權,誰都想過來誘惑你啊

試問 一個生理正常的男人能夠經的起幾次這樣的誘惑呢? 除非像小馬哥那樣,
一旦慾念升起,趕緊沖個冷水澡,正襟危坐的讀中庸來克己復禮 (註:這是小馬接受訪問時說的)
只是 我的朋友大多鄙視儒學,所以都直接上了!

現在可以初步作個結論 對美女而言 談戀愛找年輕帥哥,
要結婚找多金豬頭 即使將來離婚,運氣好能拿一半財產當富婆,運氣背也能拿贍養費安度餘生

對帥哥而言 談戀愛要找美少女,結婚就得找個性好的乖乖女 萬一將來偷吃被抓,還能用哀兵姿態緩言懺悔,最多帶著小孩一起回娘家門口跪

以此觀之 美女跟帥哥都有智慧 我們在欣賞她們帥氣美麗的外表時 也得讚賞他們的內在 那這世上最笨的是誰呢? 喔 就是年輕豬頭硬要逆天行事,用盡各種心機手段娶了個美女回家供養


附上我年輕時很喜歡的偶像兩張照片 給大大參考一下:



昨晚為小女上學的事吵了一架,悶壞了一整天 下班前寫文抒發鬱悶的心情 回家後又是妻奴,奶爸,男傭的生活
不禁想起阮天仇在南海血書那段無語問蒼天的文字 “海天茫茫,如今我寫給誰呢?”

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Beijing - Yuan Ming Yuan

The final place that I visited in Beijing is Yuan Ming Yuan. First time I learnt about this is during high school. The place was a "humiliation of the Chinese nation". I think the place was understated, u won't find too many tourists here but I think it really worth visiting.

The landmark of Yuan Ming Yuan

The reservoir to store water for all the fountains around the garden. Quite impressive.
This is where all the Chinese zodiac animals belong to. When the clock strike 12 noon, all the animal heads will release the water to the pool. Should be quite fascinating if the whole thing still intact.

When I was still a young student, I always wonder is there such a tree when I saw my art teacher draw the trees on his Chinese painting. Now I believe it was real!
A shelter for the emperor to have a tea break and play with his concubines?
A mini maze in the garden.

Fallen tablet.
The head of the Chinese zodiac animal cost millions!

The broken bridge

Beijing -Tian Tan (天坛)

old bark

Tian Tan's structure

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Malaysia want to 'play' Nuclear Power

Sometimes I wonder those morons on the top have any ideas on what they wanted to do. First of all, what is the point of having nuclear energy in Malaysia? If you want to push for a low carbon environment? Why not start with something practical like better grade of diesel fuel and cheaper RON97?!
Not to mention Malaysian's "tidak apa" attitude, aka "don't give a shit" attitude... I already can forsee this chap who get paid for RM1000 per month, simply dump the nuclear waste into the river; A Rm2000 Nuclear plant operator operate the plant carelessly... Then the management sitting on the top trying to make some kickbacks on the construction of nuclear plant, so this Chinese 'sub-sub' contractor deliver the inferior materials to the building because the money was given to him is not enough to make a proper building. So you see the stadium collapse, highway started to crack, parliment, stadium leaking despite millions was spent on renovating it, etc... I hope Singaporean /Thai government can put some pressure on us to stop this project!! This is not kid's play! Just imagine a retarded neighbour of yours trying to make a bomb next to your house! Are you going to sit duck and let him prove his "boleh-ness"?
Or perhaps some people want to make nuclear energy as their "Blue Ocean" which coming out from some retarded pig head named 'Ibrahim Ali', so that they can continue to plunder the country till it runs dry like the oil reserve. Try to google 'Ibrahim Ali Blue Ocean' and you know what I mean.

Here is how I pictured myself if I manage to survive during the nuclear fallout..... Welcome to Malaysia!!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


This is one of the most famous Hutong street in Beijing, had a great foot massage here, one of the best I tried, done by a 52 y/o uncle.

Some illustration about 'Hutong':

"People say that the real culture of Beijing is "the culture of hutong" and "the culture of courtyard". How true that is. Often, it is Beijing's winding hutongs that attract tourists from home and abroad rather than the high-rise buildings and large mansions.
Hutong is a typical lane or small street in Beijing that originated during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). "Hutong" is a Mongolian word, meaning "water well". During that time, water well is the settlement around which people lived. There are tens of thousands of hutongs surrounding the Forbidden City. In the past, Beijing was composed of countless courtyards. Hutongs were formed when people left a passageway between two courtyards to make entering them more convenient.
As the symbol of Beijing City, a hutong has its own layout and structure, which makes it a wonder in the world. When taking a bird's eye view of Beijing, you will find the combination of hutongs and courtyards just like an orderly chessboard with delicate gardens, fine rockeries, and ancient ruins. Hutongs have witnessed the development of Beijing. Where there is a hutong, there is a story.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Jing San Garden (景山公园)


The tree where Chong Zhen emperor killed himself when he knew that he had lost his empire.

I have to edited the contrast a bit to have a bitter view due to the grayish sky.

Jing Shan garden is one of the sight that has the cheapest entrance ticket. You can finish the tour in half an hour. But the key things you get to see in Jing Shan garden are:

1. The tree where the last emperor of Ming dynasty committed suicide.
2. The 'macro' view of the entire Forbidden city.