There is a girl with a very sweet voice called me this evening, she said she want to do a survey, I said ok!
Her first question is, "Why are you interested with our P1 Wimax service?" I told her, "Very simple, cuz Streamyx sucks!"
For countless days, I am so tired off rebooting my modem on and off, typing "ipconfig /flushdns" in command prompt and call up the TM customer service and tell them to reset the port. Now at least the initial testing shows that the Wimax service is steady, it won't simply drop so I have to reset my modem by unplugging and replugging the power. I won't say the connection is damn good, but at least, for RM22 more on every month, the service is better than the lousy Streamyx. Finally, I am going to call up Stremyx customer service and tell them, "please cancel my account!" I don't think they want to ask me what is the reason I want to cancel, even a retard know what is the reason. Stremyx is a product of monopoly, you push garbage to your customers, and your customers doesn't have much options so they have to stick with the garbage. Finally Wimax signal has come to my area, well done!
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