Sunday, June 10, 2007

"I am a School Teacher"

This evening, after our outdoor basketball game with other four colleagues, we walked back to our apartment. On our way back, someone trying to initiate a conversation with my colleague who is walking right behind me and my colleague started to walk faster, apparently, a 40 years old guy trying to tell my colleague that he is a school teacher and eventually he managed to catch up with me due to I was the last guy.
People like me is always curious, I wonder what he is up to.. there goes our conversation:
"School Teacher": Hi.... I am a school teacher in Sri Lanka, How are you?

Me: (Whatever, "I hear you!" I know you are a school teacher)I am alright...

"School Teacher": How you find Sri Lanka.

Me: (Always doesn't like to offend others and trying to be polite here): It was okay... (If you want to hear the truth, there are too many annoying crows here! Bird droppings everywhere and you can hear the croaking sound 24/7. Why don't the government start to shoot some crows like what they did on Port Klang many years ago).

"School Teacher": So are you Chinese?

Me: No, I am Malaysian, (pointed to the front), they are Chinese.

"School Teacher": Oh...(he sounded like very interesting) (You work here? Where do you work?

Me: Huawei, Telecom business...

"School Teacher": Look, I need to show you something...
I notice he was about to show me a role of booklet or receipt book on his left hand (I am not sure what the hell is it, and I am not keen to know), I immediately put the conversation to an end by telling him...

Me: Look, if is about money, don't talk to me! (I said it arrogantly and impatiently) Then I mumbled, there are too many crooks around.

"School Teacher": Okay.
The school teacher immidiate slow down his pace and I continue to walk my direction, try to catch up with others at the front.

This is not the first time I met this kind of "crook" while walking on the street, really tired of them, or may be he is really a school teacher, but I really doubt it. Well, I don't mind to make some donation if he really is genuine because how come a school teacher will come out on Saturday evening to collect donations for school? This must be a joke! Teachers won't do that, only students will do this, as I have done it before!
Last time there is a guy who initiate a conversation with me and then told me some lame story that he came here to meet up with his friend in XXX Building, and his friend didn't show up, so he need some "help" and see if he can ask me to give him some bus fare so he can go home. First of all, if you did come to meet up with your "friend" without your return bus fare, I think you deserve to walk back with your own leg because of being such an idiot. Sometimes being a crook have to be creative, you can't use such an old trick again and again, it just don't work that way!

Well, many years ago, I was being conned with the same old trick while having dinner in KL, a chinese guy told me he just came from China and then he need some bus fare or something because someone cheated his money because it did happened and reported in newspaper before, stupid me gave him a few ringgit to "help" him because he looks really "pitiful". After that, I guess that I was conned. Later on I read these kind of news in newspaper and forums it just makes me become "smarter" when dealing with crooks. Also if you are reading this, be careful of someone that wants to borrow your phone and make some phone calls, he may run away with your phone if you lend it to him, unless you think you are fast enough to outrun him, never ever lend your phone to strangers.

I really hate these kind of crooks which abuse other people's compassion! That's why I am being so unfriendly to the so called "school teacher"! Sad to say, there are still a lot of idiots out there that was conned by internet/SMS "phishing".

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