Sunday, June 24, 2007
吃了两天兰卡餐,回到科伦坡后有些水土不服,吃饭都没胃口了,好像肚子进了风.然后又拉肚子.怀疑是那天回家路上吃了一些不卫生的食物.唉,真没办法,我的同事老是嫌外面的食物贵,其实我觉得蛮便宜了,我真的不在意价格,最重要是卫生.这下被搞死了. 下周有位中方同事想跟我们一行,到时候我看能不能我"吃自己"算了.自己觅食去!
Day 3 - 车祸惊魂
当时一辆载满Caltex Coolant的货车从我们右面驶过,货车的A柱已经毁形了,绿色的冷冻剂从毁坏的容器滴在地上,一些Coolant容器也散落在地上,整辆车给人的感觉就好像一个人在负伤而逃.当时我还说,这种情况肯定会有人趁机会把路上的Coolant捡回家.我们放慢速度,继续往前开不到几秒钟,看见一辆巴士的右边严重撞毁,一些乘客还争着一个一个一个的跳下那辆巴士.我们放下速度看了一眼,我回头看时还看见该司机趴在驾驶盘上,看来不省人事了. 我想,我们应该在车祸发生后的一分钟经过现场的.
我同事踏足油门马上前往医院去... 他神色紧张,我也一样,女孩的母亲急得快哭了,脚受伤的人在后面呻吟着,我当时也不知道他的脚伤得怎样.只能安抚我们的司机别紧张,小心开车,车身现在很重,容易失控,不然伤者就不只两个了.他之后也镇定下来,放慢一点开.我叫同事问后面的人, 看那位女孩是否有呼吸,他们说"有",那么至少没问题,估计那女孩可能是半昏过去了.
大约15分钟,我们抵达了医院,我同事和女孩的母亲把女孩抬进去,医护人员也把脚受伤的扶进医院.当时我才看见原来他的脚后面流血了.估计是被巴士车身的铁皮刮伤.我们车后所幸铺了一些报纸,所以车后遗留下的血迹不多,我用报纸随便擦一下,然后进去里面找个垃圾桶丢垃圾. 发现政府医院里面非常破,像是五十年代的医院...
当时一辆载满Caltex Coolant的货车从我们右面驶过,货车的A柱已经毁形了,绿色的冷冻剂从毁坏的容器滴在地上,一些Coolant容器也散落在地上,整辆车给人的感觉就好像一个人在负伤而逃.当时我还说,这种情况肯定会有人趁机会把路上的Coolant捡回家.我们放慢速度,继续往前开不到几秒钟,看见一辆巴士的右边严重撞毁,一些乘客还争着一个一个一个的跳下那辆巴士.我们放下速度看了一眼,我回头看时还看见该司机趴在驾驶盘上,看来不省人事了. 我想,我们应该在车祸发生后的一分钟经过现场的.
我同事踏足油门马上前往医院去... 他神色紧张,我也一样,女孩的母亲急得快哭了,脚受伤的人在后面呻吟着,我当时也不知道他的脚伤得怎样.只能安抚我们的司机别紧张,小心开车,车身现在很重,容易失控,不然伤者就不只两个了.他之后也镇定下来,放慢一点开.我叫同事问后面的人, 看那位女孩是否有呼吸,他们说"有",那么至少没问题,估计那女孩可能是半昏过去了.
大约15分钟,我们抵达了医院,我同事和女孩的母亲把女孩抬进去,医护人员也把脚受伤的扶进医院.当时我才看见原来他的脚后面流血了.估计是被巴士车身的铁皮刮伤.我们车后所幸铺了一些报纸,所以车后遗留下的血迹不多,我用报纸随便擦一下,然后进去里面找个垃圾桶丢垃圾. 发现政府医院里面非常破,像是五十年代的医院...
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Going Home
我们在斯里兰卡的狮子山花了两个小时多一点后才离开...在山脚下遇到一个兜售"魔术盒"的人,用一千卢比买了他的木雕盒, 一个内有乾坤的木雕盒...
Mirror Wall
Day 3 - Water Range 酒店
我们在Anuradhapura住的Water Range 酒店外观

吃饱后给酒店老板打了个电话,没想到这位"上校"的英文还真不赖.我觉得这里的价钱还可以,20美元一晚包早餐.我问老板为什么没有电视和热水,他说电视他会搞,而热水搞不了,因为Anura天气很热,一般都不需要热水;问他为什么没配厕纸,他说他担心员工偷用厕纸,结果昨晚他员工送来了餐巾纸,新亏我自己有准备,不然把餐巾纸丢进马桶还会不塞吗?最搞笑的地方是,他说他们的酒店"in high demand",我听了真想大笑.上校说他酒店有很大的需求,不过"念在"你们愿意派人来常住,我扣35%给你,只收20美元.他当时可能不知道我们就站在前台,他的账本我看得清清楚楚,有多少人来睡过,收了多少钱我都知道.那位老板还问我你们现在在哪里住.我告诉他,我昨天就在你这里睡.真想告诉他,你这里苍蝇还多过人! 15间房有14间是空的,连10%都没有,还High Demand?有没有搞错呀?不过我也不想多说,反正他们的员工比昨天我们看的管理员友善,而且老板在科伦坡,约了他周一到公司把合同签了算.
吃饱后给酒店老板打了个电话,没想到这位"上校"的英文还真不赖.我觉得这里的价钱还可以,20美元一晚包早餐.我问老板为什么没有电视和热水,他说电视他会搞,而热水搞不了,因为Anura天气很热,一般都不需要热水;问他为什么没配厕纸,他说他担心员工偷用厕纸,结果昨晚他员工送来了餐巾纸,新亏我自己有准备,不然把餐巾纸丢进马桶还会不塞吗?最搞笑的地方是,他说他们的酒店"in high demand",我听了真想大笑.上校说他酒店有很大的需求,不过"念在"你们愿意派人来常住,我扣35%给你,只收20美元.他当时可能不知道我们就站在前台,他的账本我看得清清楚楚,有多少人来睡过,收了多少钱我都知道.那位老板还问我你们现在在哪里住.我告诉他,我昨天就在你这里睡.真想告诉他,你这里苍蝇还多过人! 15间房有14间是空的,连10%都没有,还High Demand?有没有搞错呀?不过我也不想多说,反正他们的员工比昨天我们看的管理员友善,而且老板在科伦坡,约了他周一到公司把合同签了算.
Day 2-1
晚上在Anuradhapura的旅馆不好找,好又便宜的旅馆都住满了人. 有一家比较好的旅馆开价还要六十多美元一晚,我告诉他,现在兰卡局势不好,游客不敢来了,科伦坡酒店都纷纷降价,连Hilton Colombo也只是五十美元一晚,你们还收六十多美元?真是服了这帮人,难怪酒店入住率也只有10%.我们想派人来住上一两个月,这种价格我们怎么用?还有一个没有生意头脑的经理,硬要收取我们45美元一晚的费用,他愿意让给我们以后出差的员工35美元,但基于合同还没签,他硬要收取我们45美元.我问他,你有没有搞错?你为了多赚1千卢比而放弃十万卢比?结果他还是坚持要多那一千卢比,连我同事也火了,叫我走.最后我告诉那位经理,因为你这样,我们决定不认证你们这家酒店,不把生意给你!说完我们掉头就走了.当晚我们到入住酒店时已经是11点了.
Day 2
Day 1
为了协助项目组认证酒店,主动率领了一位财务本地员工随行,一来可以协助充当翻译,二来可以开车,(因为我没有本地驾照).计划首先前往兰卡中部的Kandy,然后去北部的Anuradhapura区,在从Anura区回到Colombo,顺便把未完成的心愿了结,上Sigiriya一趟.我们这三天两夜的行程大约400多公里. 路上还是蛮惊险的,Anura区为战火边缘的和平地段,如果由Anura出发再往北上的话,就是到了政府军和猛虎组织的战线,Anura拥有大型医院,主要是用来医治从北部送来的伤兵.而Kandy为斯里兰卡一大城市之一,这次是第二次到Kandy,所以没什么新鲜感姑且不介绍了.以上照片是下午从公司出发,在去Kandy路途中留影的...
Sunday, June 17, 2007
周日凌晨三点多才睡,九点多早上时手提钻的声音又来了!由于我住在一楼,工程就在楼下进行,噪音首当其冲.这种声音真的会令人抓狂!! 被他轰炸得睡不了,要听歌,看碟也听不清楚.忍无可忍下楼找公寓的经理投诉一把. 我说TMD你们到底有没有Common Sense? 星期日来开工,好歹你们这里也算是比较豪华公寓,人家想在家里好好休息一番,你们确在这里搞装修,你知不知道楼上可以感觉到有多吵?经理说他也没办法跟这班工人说了他们不听.投诉了一把之后我又回去寝室了,手提钻仍然还在那里钻着.
我问那位经理,整个早上那么吵,楼上没有一个租户下来投诉吗? 经理说有,好像是你的roomate,我说我roomate没下来投诉,只有我.公司在这里租了4间公寓,12个人住,问了其他同事难道他们不觉得吵吗? 还是我反应太大.他们都说有,然后我问他们,你们也没有反应?就这样忍下去? 我室友告诉我,中国人就是这样,喜欢忍气吞声,多一事不如少一事.
我告诉我室友,经常在班车,在饭桌,经常听见许许多多的同事在抱怨什么公司老在扣他们的税啦,工作时间长工资少啦,然后又说工作一两年没加薪这个那个的,然后又说假期少,都是周六上班自己攒下来的假期. 我说,那想怪谁呢?说白了,就是你们自己作贱自己,不会为自己争取自己应得的利益,老外才不跟你来这套,薪水低,工作时间长,你看他们跟你来这套不?其实也不是只有中国人,马来华人很多都是这样,什么都忍气吞声,自己顾自己,所以族群利益被剥削,只会在后台呱呱吵,叫他出来投票确说很忙,什么改变不了事实之类的废话. 小孩从小就教导别人的事就不要多管闲事,大人看见抢劫就先躲一旁,以免殃及池鱼. 在这种情况之下,匪徒才胆敢那么猖狂,为非作歹...
不知怎么我现在越来越看不惯这种现象,曾有一位女同事说她很少会看见像我这种人,看见什么不公平的地方会提出来,因为一般的中国人就会逆来顺受...(可能是因为我告诉过她上次我投诉马航饮料的事,还有她知道我跟马来员工追问战争补助的事而吵到HR那里,结果HR把我列入黑名单了,当时公司给中方员工在比较危险的地方补贴战争补助,但是马来员工确没有,要知道,子弹和炸弹不长眼睛,谁理你是本地还是中方? 风险是一样的!所以有几个"正义之士"把这个补贴争取下来了.:p)
周日凌晨三点多才睡,九点多早上时手提钻的声音又来了!由于我住在一楼,工程就在楼下进行,噪音首当其冲.这种声音真的会令人抓狂!! 被他轰炸得睡不了,要听歌,看碟也听不清楚.忍无可忍下楼找公寓的经理投诉一把. 我说TMD你们到底有没有Common Sense? 星期日来开工,好歹你们这里也算是比较豪华公寓,人家想在家里好好休息一番,你们确在这里搞装修,你知不知道楼上可以感觉到有多吵?经理说他也没办法跟这班工人说了他们不听.投诉了一把之后我又回去寝室了,手提钻仍然还在那里钻着.
我问那位经理,整个早上那么吵,楼上没有一个租户下来投诉吗? 经理说有,好像是你的roomate,我说我roomate没下来投诉,只有我.公司在这里租了4间公寓,12个人住,问了其他同事难道他们不觉得吵吗? 还是我反应太大.他们都说有,然后我问他们,你们也没有反应?就这样忍下去? 我室友告诉我,中国人就是这样,喜欢忍气吞声,多一事不如少一事.
我告诉我室友,经常在班车,在饭桌,经常听见许许多多的同事在抱怨什么公司老在扣他们的税啦,工作时间长工资少啦,然后又说工作一两年没加薪这个那个的,然后又说假期少,都是周六上班自己攒下来的假期. 我说,那想怪谁呢?说白了,就是你们自己作贱自己,不会为自己争取自己应得的利益,老外才不跟你来这套,薪水低,工作时间长,你看他们跟你来这套不?其实也不是只有中国人,马来华人很多都是这样,什么都忍气吞声,自己顾自己,所以族群利益被剥削,只会在后台呱呱吵,叫他出来投票确说很忙,什么改变不了事实之类的废话. 小孩从小就教导别人的事就不要多管闲事,大人看见抢劫就先躲一旁,以免殃及池鱼. 在这种情况之下,匪徒才胆敢那么猖狂,为非作歹...
不知怎么我现在越来越看不惯这种现象,曾有一位女同事说她很少会看见像我这种人,看见什么不公平的地方会提出来,因为一般的中国人就会逆来顺受...(可能是因为我告诉过她上次我投诉马航饮料的事,还有她知道我跟马来员工追问战争补助的事而吵到HR那里,结果HR把我列入黑名单了,当时公司给中方员工在比较危险的地方补贴战争补助,但是马来员工确没有,要知道,子弹和炸弹不长眼睛,谁理你是本地还是中方? 风险是一样的!所以有几个"正义之士"把这个补贴争取下来了.:p)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Omega Dynamic
Today I went out with a local Sri Lankan colleague who loves watches, he took me to the local antique watch dealer to check out some fine watches, like Rolex, Tudor, Omega, etc...
We came across a shop that he recommended, small shops but he got a handful of antique watches on hand. The only watch that catch my interest is the thirty years old Omega Diville Auto with leather strap that he showed me (Off course the leather strap is not genuine because no such leather can last so long). Before I asked him the diville selling price, he notice the Omega Dynamic Chronograph Automatic (year 2000 model, final edition of Dynamic)that I was wearing. He asked me how much I bought my watch, I told him USD600. He said right now the price of my watch has shooted up to about USD1500! I was surprised to hear that, perhaps is the Euro currency rate increased.
Well, I bought this Omega watch like 4-5 years ago, at that time, the market rate is about USD 720+ and one day, while I was surfing the internet, I found out the watch price fell to USD580+ probably is due to the bad sales in US. Without hesitation, I log onto the website and purchase it online. The Omega Dynamic is quite thick, may be around 1.25cm, and comes in without date indicator, this is the reason that I seldom wear it to work because it doesn't tells me the date. The movement of this watch is very reliable and accurate for an automatic watch (especially compare to my Oris and previously owned Tissot). I gave it to my dad as a present when I first went home from US, my dad only wears it once in a while thus the watch was left into very good condition before I took it back and wear it once in a while.
Just few months ago I check the used price at ebay and I still found out that this watch was selling at 7xx.xx USD before the bid ends. Well today this watch dealer saw my watch and shows great interest on asking me to give him an offer to sell it to him. My colleague felt that it is quite funny because we suppose to come here and buy watches but could end up selling watches. I told the dealer in a joking way that if he pays me USD1200 I will sell it to him. He said he can't.
Then I ask him how much he wants to sell the Deville, after some bargain, the price of the Deville came down to USD110 which I think is a good buy. I didn't buy the watch yet but I am very interested on that watch. Before we go, the dealer offered me USD800 for my watch and I told him I will think about it, I took his name card because I don't think I know how to come back to his shop because it was located at a very crowded place, hopefully we might strike a deal later. For USD800 I don't think I want to sell it because USD value has depreciate since few years ago, and with the money I got, I still have to top up another 40-50% for a Seamaster. Will see what happen...
We came across a shop that he recommended, small shops but he got a handful of antique watches on hand. The only watch that catch my interest is the thirty years old Omega Diville Auto with leather strap that he showed me (Off course the leather strap is not genuine because no such leather can last so long). Before I asked him the diville selling price, he notice the Omega Dynamic Chronograph Automatic (year 2000 model, final edition of Dynamic)that I was wearing. He asked me how much I bought my watch, I told him USD600. He said right now the price of my watch has shooted up to about USD1500! I was surprised to hear that, perhaps is the Euro currency rate increased.
Well, I bought this Omega watch like 4-5 years ago, at that time, the market rate is about USD 720+ and one day, while I was surfing the internet, I found out the watch price fell to USD580+ probably is due to the bad sales in US. Without hesitation, I log onto the website and purchase it online. The Omega Dynamic is quite thick, may be around 1.25cm, and comes in without date indicator, this is the reason that I seldom wear it to work because it doesn't tells me the date. The movement of this watch is very reliable and accurate for an automatic watch (especially compare to my Oris and previously owned Tissot). I gave it to my dad as a present when I first went home from US, my dad only wears it once in a while thus the watch was left into very good condition before I took it back and wear it once in a while.
Just few months ago I check the used price at ebay and I still found out that this watch was selling at 7xx.xx USD before the bid ends. Well today this watch dealer saw my watch and shows great interest on asking me to give him an offer to sell it to him. My colleague felt that it is quite funny because we suppose to come here and buy watches but could end up selling watches. I told the dealer in a joking way that if he pays me USD1200 I will sell it to him. He said he can't.
Then I ask him how much he wants to sell the Deville, after some bargain, the price of the Deville came down to USD110 which I think is a good buy. I didn't buy the watch yet but I am very interested on that watch. Before we go, the dealer offered me USD800 for my watch and I told him I will think about it, I took his name card because I don't think I know how to come back to his shop because it was located at a very crowded place, hopefully we might strike a deal later. For USD800 I don't think I want to sell it because USD value has depreciate since few years ago, and with the money I got, I still have to top up another 40-50% for a Seamaster. Will see what happen...
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Paris Hilton in Jail
Read the news about Paris Hilton convicted to jail for 45 days due to wreckless drunk driving. I think this is not her first time driving wrecklessly, must have crashed her SL mercedes or something this time.
Being a girl that borned in a rich family, I think she is totally spoiled, hopefully by bringing her into jail will change her attitude a bit, is ok if you kill yourself for drunk driving your car wrecklessly, but it is not OK if you killed someone innocent, just like the recent case in Taiwan which the singer killed someone due to drunk driving. Some people said that Paris is quite dumb but some said she is smart because she knows how to make money, from album, perfume, TV shows, movies, etc. Well, for me, I think she is cute in a way, although some girls might disagree with me, but I am sure a lot of guys out there will agree with me. A guy friend of mine once told me that he watch such and such movie just because Paris Hilton is one of the actress in there, of course, I am with him! :)
Updated news: Paris didn't eat and drink much for past three days because she is afraid of going to toilet and afraid someone might have set up a voyeur camera to film her... Poor little girl! Perhaps that should cut down the jail term to 21 days if she behave well in jail, because I also worry that she will kill herself in jail. Celebrity going to jail is never easy, but they should share the same punishment with normal citizen, there shouldn't be any exception!
Being a girl that borned in a rich family, I think she is totally spoiled, hopefully by bringing her into jail will change her attitude a bit, is ok if you kill yourself for drunk driving your car wrecklessly, but it is not OK if you killed someone innocent, just like the recent case in Taiwan which the singer killed someone due to drunk driving. Some people said that Paris is quite dumb but some said she is smart because she knows how to make money, from album, perfume, TV shows, movies, etc. Well, for me, I think she is cute in a way, although some girls might disagree with me, but I am sure a lot of guys out there will agree with me. A guy friend of mine once told me that he watch such and such movie just because Paris Hilton is one of the actress in there, of course, I am with him! :)
Updated news: Paris didn't eat and drink much for past three days because she is afraid of going to toilet and afraid someone might have set up a voyeur camera to film her... Poor little girl! Perhaps that should cut down the jail term to 21 days if she behave well in jail, because I also worry that she will kill herself in jail. Celebrity going to jail is never easy, but they should share the same punishment with normal citizen, there shouldn't be any exception!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
"I am a School Teacher"
This evening, after our outdoor basketball game with other four colleagues, we walked back to our apartment. On our way back, someone trying to initiate a conversation with my colleague who is walking right behind me and my colleague started to walk faster, apparently, a 40 years old guy trying to tell my colleague that he is a school teacher and eventually he managed to catch up with me due to I was the last guy.
People like me is always curious, I wonder what he is up to.. there goes our conversation:
"School Teacher": Hi.... I am a school teacher in Sri Lanka, How are you?
Me: (Whatever, "I hear you!" I know you are a school teacher)I am alright...
"School Teacher": How you find Sri Lanka.
Me: (Always doesn't like to offend others and trying to be polite here): It was okay... (If you want to hear the truth, there are too many annoying crows here! Bird droppings everywhere and you can hear the croaking sound 24/7. Why don't the government start to shoot some crows like what they did on Port Klang many years ago).
"School Teacher": So are you Chinese?
Me: No, I am Malaysian, (pointed to the front), they are Chinese.
"School Teacher": Oh...(he sounded like very interesting) (You work here? Where do you work?
Me: Huawei, Telecom business...
"School Teacher": Look, I need to show you something...
I notice he was about to show me a role of booklet or receipt book on his left hand (I am not sure what the hell is it, and I am not keen to know), I immediately put the conversation to an end by telling him...
Me: Look, if is about money, don't talk to me! (I said it arrogantly and impatiently) Then I mumbled, there are too many crooks around.
"School Teacher": Okay.
The school teacher immidiate slow down his pace and I continue to walk my direction, try to catch up with others at the front.
This is not the first time I met this kind of "crook" while walking on the street, really tired of them, or may be he is really a school teacher, but I really doubt it. Well, I don't mind to make some donation if he really is genuine because how come a school teacher will come out on Saturday evening to collect donations for school? This must be a joke! Teachers won't do that, only students will do this, as I have done it before!
Last time there is a guy who initiate a conversation with me and then told me some lame story that he came here to meet up with his friend in XXX Building, and his friend didn't show up, so he need some "help" and see if he can ask me to give him some bus fare so he can go home. First of all, if you did come to meet up with your "friend" without your return bus fare, I think you deserve to walk back with your own leg because of being such an idiot. Sometimes being a crook have to be creative, you can't use such an old trick again and again, it just don't work that way!
Well, many years ago, I was being conned with the same old trick while having dinner in KL, a chinese guy told me he just came from China and then he need some bus fare or something because someone cheated his money because it did happened and reported in newspaper before, stupid me gave him a few ringgit to "help" him because he looks really "pitiful". After that, I guess that I was conned. Later on I read these kind of news in newspaper and forums it just makes me become "smarter" when dealing with crooks. Also if you are reading this, be careful of someone that wants to borrow your phone and make some phone calls, he may run away with your phone if you lend it to him, unless you think you are fast enough to outrun him, never ever lend your phone to strangers.
I really hate these kind of crooks which abuse other people's compassion! That's why I am being so unfriendly to the so called "school teacher"! Sad to say, there are still a lot of idiots out there that was conned by internet/SMS "phishing".
People like me is always curious, I wonder what he is up to.. there goes our conversation:
"School Teacher": Hi.... I am a school teacher in Sri Lanka, How are you?
Me: (Whatever, "I hear you!" I know you are a school teacher)I am alright...
"School Teacher": How you find Sri Lanka.
Me: (Always doesn't like to offend others and trying to be polite here): It was okay... (If you want to hear the truth, there are too many annoying crows here! Bird droppings everywhere and you can hear the croaking sound 24/7. Why don't the government start to shoot some crows like what they did on Port Klang many years ago).
"School Teacher": So are you Chinese?
Me: No, I am Malaysian, (pointed to the front), they are Chinese.
"School Teacher": Oh...(he sounded like very interesting) (You work here? Where do you work?
Me: Huawei, Telecom business...
"School Teacher": Look, I need to show you something...
I notice he was about to show me a role of booklet or receipt book on his left hand (I am not sure what the hell is it, and I am not keen to know), I immediately put the conversation to an end by telling him...
Me: Look, if is about money, don't talk to me! (I said it arrogantly and impatiently) Then I mumbled, there are too many crooks around.
"School Teacher": Okay.
The school teacher immidiate slow down his pace and I continue to walk my direction, try to catch up with others at the front.
This is not the first time I met this kind of "crook" while walking on the street, really tired of them, or may be he is really a school teacher, but I really doubt it. Well, I don't mind to make some donation if he really is genuine because how come a school teacher will come out on Saturday evening to collect donations for school? This must be a joke! Teachers won't do that, only students will do this, as I have done it before!
Last time there is a guy who initiate a conversation with me and then told me some lame story that he came here to meet up with his friend in XXX Building, and his friend didn't show up, so he need some "help" and see if he can ask me to give him some bus fare so he can go home. First of all, if you did come to meet up with your "friend" without your return bus fare, I think you deserve to walk back with your own leg because of being such an idiot. Sometimes being a crook have to be creative, you can't use such an old trick again and again, it just don't work that way!
Well, many years ago, I was being conned with the same old trick while having dinner in KL, a chinese guy told me he just came from China and then he need some bus fare or something because someone cheated his money because it did happened and reported in newspaper before, stupid me gave him a few ringgit to "help" him because he looks really "pitiful". After that, I guess that I was conned. Later on I read these kind of news in newspaper and forums it just makes me become "smarter" when dealing with crooks. Also if you are reading this, be careful of someone that wants to borrow your phone and make some phone calls, he may run away with your phone if you lend it to him, unless you think you are fast enough to outrun him, never ever lend your phone to strangers.
I really hate these kind of crooks which abuse other people's compassion! That's why I am being so unfriendly to the so called "school teacher"! Sad to say, there are still a lot of idiots out there that was conned by internet/SMS "phishing".
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Playing with MAC
Today the HP notebook sales rep visited my office and would like to hand me some documents. Together with him there was his colleague who is in charge of selling Apple Macintosh laptops. Well, I am clearly aware that our company doesn't buy Mac book, and one thing for sure, MAC book is not that widely acceptable in Asia.
It reminds me my university days which there is one time I am forced to use a Mac PC due to all IBM PCs were occupied, I put my 1.44 inch floppy into the disk drive and started to work on my assignment, after I have done with my work and plan to take off, I have a hardtime getting my diskette back. There is no button available for me to press, so it will release my diskette from the drive, I have to ask around to find out how to do it, at the end, forgot how we make it, either pressing a button on the keyboard or shutting down the machine, then only I can get my diskette back. What a bad experience, frankly speaking, I hate it!
After 10 years, I am meeting the Apple sales guy... I saw him holding a very cool white color Macbook, he said he want to demonstrate the usage of Macbook. I don't want to disappoint him and slam the door on his face(hate that when customer do that to me), so I let him do his job. One thing for sure, the laptop is well built, very high quality material compare to cheapo Dell units, the key pad feeling was quite good as well. The screen is quite clear and the boot up is faster than XP, that's why you always see the MAC and PC advertisement in youtube trying to playdown the IBM PC.
Anyway, after twenty minutes of demonstration, I still have to tell him the cruel fact that we don't use Macbook in company. as a IBM PC user for more than 20 yrs, I really don't get use to Mac interface, though I won't deny it is a good product, but it is not for me. Unless they are selling it cheap, then may be I will consider. :p
It reminds me my university days which there is one time I am forced to use a Mac PC due to all IBM PCs were occupied, I put my 1.44 inch floppy into the disk drive and started to work on my assignment, after I have done with my work and plan to take off, I have a hardtime getting my diskette back. There is no button available for me to press, so it will release my diskette from the drive, I have to ask around to find out how to do it, at the end, forgot how we make it, either pressing a button on the keyboard or shutting down the machine, then only I can get my diskette back. What a bad experience, frankly speaking, I hate it!
After 10 years, I am meeting the Apple sales guy... I saw him holding a very cool white color Macbook, he said he want to demonstrate the usage of Macbook. I don't want to disappoint him and slam the door on his face(hate that when customer do that to me), so I let him do his job. One thing for sure, the laptop is well built, very high quality material compare to cheapo Dell units, the key pad feeling was quite good as well. The screen is quite clear and the boot up is faster than XP, that's why you always see the MAC and PC advertisement in youtube trying to playdown the IBM PC.
Anyway, after twenty minutes of demonstration, I still have to tell him the cruel fact that we don't use Macbook in company. as a IBM PC user for more than 20 yrs, I really don't get use to Mac interface, though I won't deny it is a good product, but it is not for me. Unless they are selling it cheap, then may be I will consider. :p
Friday, June 08, 2007
Hotel California
最近在网上下载了Eagles唱的Hotel California, 以前我从来不知道这首哥到底唱什么,记得一次在San Jose的Karaoke,一位叫YiJun的朋友点唱了这首歌,看着荧幕的歌词,终于明白原来Hotel California是一间闹鬼的酒店...
上次去Sirigiya的路途中,车里唯一的CD重复地播放着Hotel California, 所以让我回忆起往事. 歌曲蛮不错的一首歌,特别是通过吉他或Unplugged来演绎的一首歌曲,听起来抒情又轻快,我还刻意下载了另一个纯吉他演奏版本,现在一边听着歌曲,一边写着Blog...开始觉得有一点"小饿",不过我想还是算了吧,煮面吃的话是咖喱味的,现在喉咙又不舒服,喝牛奶的话,但牛奶好像有些味道,可能是那个LG冰箱不够冷,牛奶放不久.还是睡觉去...
最近在网上下载了Eagles唱的Hotel California, 以前我从来不知道这首哥到底唱什么,记得一次在San Jose的Karaoke,一位叫YiJun的朋友点唱了这首歌,看着荧幕的歌词,终于明白原来Hotel California是一间闹鬼的酒店...
上次去Sirigiya的路途中,车里唯一的CD重复地播放着Hotel California, 所以让我回忆起往事. 歌曲蛮不错的一首歌,特别是通过吉他或Unplugged来演绎的一首歌曲,听起来抒情又轻快,我还刻意下载了另一个纯吉他演奏版本,现在一边听着歌曲,一边写着Blog...开始觉得有一点"小饿",不过我想还是算了吧,煮面吃的话是咖喱味的,现在喉咙又不舒服,喝牛奶的话,但牛奶好像有些味道,可能是那个LG冰箱不够冷,牛奶放不久.还是睡觉去...
把身体尽量调养好,下周会和同事出去科伦坡以外的城镇转一转,认证一些酒店,顺便出去走一走... :p
把身体尽量调养好,下周会和同事出去科伦坡以外的城镇转一转,认证一些酒店,顺便出去走一走... :p
我们马来的首相-拉伯宣布要结婚了! 老婆刚刚逝世不到两年,那么快又讨了一个老婆. 首相今年67岁,新娘53岁.还真把原配忘记得挺快的嘛! 据Malaysiakini报导,新娘是已故前首相夫人的弟弟的前妻.TMD,令俺感觉有些怪怪的,当地媒体受促不许挖新娘的背景报导,而新加坡媒体已经把照片登出来了(Ref: 我问我女同事,如果你嫁给你前夫的妹妹的前夫,会不会感觉有点怪怪的? 她没有回复我,只告诉我有时候马来人挺"乱水"的... 哈哈哈.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
昨天去做抽血了,报告出炉,说我的胆固醇一切正常了,健硕的身材也因此更扎实,实在太好了!我想我回去以后会买辆室内脚踏车放在家里,继续努力. :)
昨天去做抽血了,报告出炉,说我的胆固醇一切正常了,健硕的身材也因此更扎实,实在太好了!我想我回去以后会买辆室内脚踏车放在家里,继续努力. :)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
29 April 2007 Sri Lanka Cricket Night
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