Conversation below may be happened at: 2:05pm
PL whispered: Pssstt....psss... eh... dulu you kat University of Nottingham, what is your result on Economics?
NJ: Well... hehehehe.. walaupun saya memang bagus dengan main perempuan, but my Econ paper still pass la... Your paper fail kan? Hahahahh... Saya ada baca Wikipedia punya...
PL: Wei.... kurang suara sikit... aduuui...Ok...I assume u boleh handle Ekonomi Malaysia la macam ni, kalau saya handover Finance Minstry post kasi sama u.
NJ: Boleh... tapi saya sibuk la... malam ini ada 'appointment' kat Mandarin Oriental dengan darling dari Mongolia ni.. Defense Minstry post you take care bolek tak kalau macam tu..
PL: Ok... ok... position ini boleh terbang autocruise kan? Kekkekekke
***NJ's Nokia Ringtone Ringing*** Sorry... I think is a 'Vertu'... not Nokia..
NJ: Eh... brother, tunggu sekejap ya..Hallo... Siapa ni? Saya ada press conference ni...apa pasal
Rosmah: Bang... Burberry kat London on sale ni.... saya pergi besok ya...
NJ: Okay okay... kali ini low profile sikit ya!
Rosmah: Ok.. Sayang... (hang up)
NJ turn to PL: Oh ya... Finance Minister post yang tadi kita tengah discuss tu... boleh la... Saya sedia terima challenge ini..Kalau tak ambik post ini, susah la nanti... kerana Rosmah ni memang suka shopping la, tak boleh tahan long term macam tu.
PL: Kool! Lepas session ini, saya balik tidur dulu ya... sleepy la lepas buffet tadi itu..(yawn...)
2:15pm press conference started...
Our Prime Minister declared that he and the deputy minister "swap" their posts. Now the Prime Minister take over the defense post, and the deputy prime minister take over the Finance ministry post. Is like swapping LP and PL, I don't see it is going to be any difference at all. Another joke of the day!
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