Wednesday, February 09, 2005


上个星期六,我妈去了她一位朋友家拿东西。该朋友的女儿有帮别人带小孩,共有两个,大约四到五岁。其中一位跑来跟我妈说:“Auntie,你还没给我红 包。”。我妈顿时被他的无礼吓着了,由于还没过年,所以也没准备,我妈便跟那位不知谁家的孩子说她没带红包。他竟然反问回我妈,“为什么不带红包出街,公 司的花红不是发了吗?” 这时被保姆听到了,这才骂那小孩。真是他妈的!真不知是那家的小孩,那么没教养。如果他跑来跟Lin Peh (你老豆)要红包,我会直接跟他说即使我有我也不给你,怎样?你咬我呀?你亚星呀!那么没礼貌,我干嘛还要给你,再加上我也不知道你是么水,你以为钱都长 在树上吗?“ 我听了这事情后,真是有点发火。如果他是我孩子,我想我真的要好好检讨。


Anonymous said...


Kwong said...

Anonymous: What if that is your own kid leh? You gonna tell me, "为什么要和小孩一般见识,童言无忌?" and let them rot instead of scolding them?

Anonymous said...

to kwong....

i have no idea at all how i am going to react if my own kids behave like this to visitors...

but the certainty is.....if i was facing the kid, i would only be AMUSED n definitely wouldnt over-react like u did...i wouldnot feel angry at all, not even for nano second, i just dont want to 和小孩一般见识....especially someone who's merely 4-5 years old

regarding ur comment which the kid will rot, ok, i am not as foresighted as u, i cant foresee the future of the kid.....

i believe the reason behind ur anger was u were concerned about the growth of the kid, well, ur passion was very respectable(despite a little meddlesome too)