Saturday, April 04, 2009

Rise of the darklord

In a galaxy far far away, in a country with over 20 million pathetic citizens that were ruled and screwed by the Galactic Empire... today, they have announced the appointment of the new Darklord...
Today, in the heart of the imperial city, Coruscant. The new Darklord vowed that the people who is under the rule of Galactic Empire should start to embrace the concept of "One Galaxy"...
As a citizen living in the city of Coruscant, he didn't feel excited at all and he is very skeptical to the "One Galaxy" concept. Talk is always cheap, sometimes it is even FOC. You have one set of story prepare to please group A, and another version for group B. How do you name a person that talks a lot of cock? "Cockster"? Only time will tell...

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