My colleagues's friend wants to give away her dog, little "LeRoy", which is close to 2 yrs old and it is a mixed between Rottweiler and Labrador. The owner is migrating, so they are looking for a kind hearted new owner who is willing to take good care of their dog.
Well, I like this dog the moment I saw it. The dog looks smart to me, my colleague told me that the dog is trained by MKA (which stands for Malaysia K9 Association), I guess the dog must have know where to pee and shit and won't simply bite others. I wonder if LeRoy knows how to pick up the newspaper, of course, not our neighbor's newspaper.
As the 'CEO' of the house, I make sure everybody lived in a democratic environment where we share the same roof. So at night, I brought up this issue about having a dog at home so they can help us guard the house as well when the crime rate is rising in the cities, and even our police force need to close shop because they claimed that it is too dangerous having a 'beat camp' in Chow Kit, KL area.(Ref: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/10/17/nation/2300354&sec=nation) Yeah, I know it is funny, you can't expect police to risk their precious live with their current pay. So you better hire your own security guard, or get some watch dogs.
Okay, come back to my proposal about having a dog at home... Well, it seems that my proposal was not accepted by my mom and sister. My mom ask me who is going to bath the dog and sweep the fur? My sister wants to protect her kids, as you know dog fur can lead to ashma, so she opposed it, and also questioned me who is going to take care of the dog if I go oversea. Well, I guess you need some patient and a kind heart to have a dog though. 2 against 1, I have no choice but to hope any of my friend who is willing to adopt this dog.
I told my colleague, "well, I love this dog, it suits my image, but then my proposal was rejected by my family (that is how you show your democracy), so I have no choice but to drop this idea..." ;(
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