During Raya holidays, spent two nights having fun with friends on play a recently invented new Poker game, we called it, "Poker with Joker".
Here is how it was played:
1. Everbody put a minimum bet on the "pot". Shuffle the cards and each players receive five cards.
2. You can changed your card from "0" to "3" to make you cards with the biggest rank as possible according to poker rules*
3. Once the unwanted card(s) are released for changes, each person was given a chance to raise his or her bet to the pot based on the largest cards that you thrown out, off course, you can give away your rights if you don't want to raise the pot.
4. Take the cards from the deck in sequence, based on who throw out the largest cards, Ace is the biggest and number 2 is the smallest. When both have the same cards such as two Aces, he who have the best "flower" wins.. the sequence is Spade, Heart, Club and then Diamond.
5. So at the end, each person should had 5 cards on hand, if you have 6 cards due to you mistook an extra card, you are consider disqualified. Then, each players throw out one of the cards from your hand and then we will see who make the call first, tactically speaking, most people prefer to throw out the smallest card on hand so that he or she can make the final call.
6. Each players will raise the pot the second time, those who hold the weakest set of cards will usually fold in this round due to after they have a swap on the three cards but still didn't get what they want. Off course, the smart and bold players can always raise a bet that will scare off the remaining players and make each of them fold their cards in order to win the pot money.
7. Ok. The fun part of Poker with Joker is, there were four jokers mixed to the 52 cards, that makes 56 cards, Joker is like a card that can "transform" itself to whatever cards you like, but when the "authentic" cards will always prevail the "joker-tranformed" cards, the original one will always beat the fake one, let say both had a Spade Flush, one of the player had Ace in Spade and another player had 3 cards in spade in two jokers, the second player cannot say that he want his joker to be transformed into Ace in spade, due to the player with real Ace in spade prevails him, and also the "five of a kind rule" doesn't exist in Poker with Joker.
8. Finally, after everyone has made their calls, all players will show his set of cards, the person who has the best hand wins all the pot money.
*Poker rules in sequence.
1. Royal Flush (A,K,Q,J,10 all in spade)
2. Straight Flush (5 cards in sequence, 2,3,4,5, etc... and with the same flower such as diamond, hearts, etc)
3. Four of a kind (Eg. Four Kings)
4. Full house (Three of a kind + a pair, eg, KKKJJ)
5. Flush (5 cards hold the same flower)
6. Straight (5 cards in sequece, eg. A,2,3,4,5 or 8,9,10,J,Q)
7. Three of a kind(eg. Three Queens on hand)
8. Two Pairs (eg. JJ, QQ)
9. One Pair (eg. 10,10)
10. No pair (then it will depend on the biggest cards on hand)