Sunday, January 30, 2005

2005 年周杰伦无与伦比演唱会

今天带了数码相机到周董演唱会去,准备拍些照片好让我post上博客网站。只可惜相机里面没有记忆卡,真是失策啊!演唱会地点在Stadium Merdeka,露天演唱会,所以热得半条命。但愿他下次可以在Bukit Jalil举行,至少那儿有冷气。


Anonymous said...

for those who didnt attend the concert, this is ur consolation prize; for those who did attend, here's ur chance to "refresh" ur memory

the links below r the music cd of jay chow "invincible(wu yi lun bi) concert", simply download the files from the respective links n execute them, select the directory which u would like to extract the files

list of song
01 以父之名
02 止戰之殤
03 她的睫毛
04 晴天
05 你聽得到
06 梯田+爸我回來了
07 園遊會
08 龍捲風
09 將軍
10 亂舞春秋
11 星晴+回到過去+最後的戰役+愛我別走
12 我的地盤
13 愛情懸崖
14 擱淺
15 藉口
16 瓦解
17 雙刀+雙截棍+龍拳
18 困獸之鬥
19 倒帶
20 簡單愛
21 七里香
22 外婆
23 斷了的弦
24 東風破
25 軌跡
p.s, for those who likes more "dynamic" effect, i have the video cd of the concert as well, unfortunately it's one big file to upload to the net(i m using "snail" connection).post ur message here if u r interested, probably i can arrange something for u.

one more thing, this is not the KL version of "invincible concert", i guess this one was held in taiwan......

Kwong said...

Appreciate your kindness on posting the song. :)