After visiting the temple, we go for lunch. Someone in the hiking group proposed a place to eat BBQ fish. I can tell you that you won't be able to find the place if you are not familiar with this area.

The restaurant was built next to the fish pond where they raise their fish stock -
Tilapia or "非洲鱼" in Chinese.

Here is the menu, all kind of flavors you can picked. Personally, I love their fish cooked with
Asam, House Sauce. The curry mutton taste
ok too. However, the
Xiu Heng wine flavored chicken is not so good...

Here is the open kitchen

All the fishes, 'fresh from the ponds' are wrapped with aluminum foil together with sauces.

Ok, here is the biggest turn off! While I was at the temple, someone commented that the sugarcane water is kinda cheap, only Rm1! So I went to get one... after I made my purchase, I regretted. The reason? Damn! I think the seller is reusing the mineral water bottle to store the sugarcane juice! I do respect that they are actually saving the world's resource by recycling stuff! But isn't that too unhygenic?! May be that happens in small town only.
Now... do click and enlarge the photo, did you find anything abnormal? Try to check out the straw! WTH?! Don't tell me they are 'reusing' the straws?! Or don't tell me when they print the straws, it ran out of ink!
Anyway, my friend in packaging industry told me that some seller did buy the rejected quality product which is cheaper. So the straw could be new, just that the quality doesn't meet the standard. Gee.... come on! How much is the new straws cost?

Here is our food.... we have to fight with all the flies when the fish arrived...

The tilapia was cleaned nicely by hungry people like us within half an hour. Frankly speaking, the food was great despite the place is not very hygene, can you imagine I manage to take down 2 flies with a chopstick? Lot of flies + possible reused straws. Other than that, no complain. After we divided the bill for 9 person on the same table, it is only Rm15 per person! 4 fishes, 1 chicken, 1 curry mutton, and each person got their own canned or bottled drink! Another thing I want to point out, there is no mud smell from all the tilapia fishes.
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