Closer look at Laguna Resort.

I want to create a blog for myself is because I want to record down the interesting part of my life and share with my dear friends. At the same time, besides looking at the picture, you are also welcome to take a look at what I have posted in words. When I first expose to blog on 2005, I am new to this kind of thingy, that's why I name it "New Kid on the Blog". :)
Laguna Resort, that was where i stayed last year. Is the weather there extremely hot? It was when i was there...kept sweating and very tired...almost passed out
Wow, Look hunky, I like ...
Wah Jit... good that you stay here, how ws it? :)
Kim Fong: If u like the meat, price is negotiable. :)
Was the weather damn hot? I was sweating day and nite while i was there. The place was good, the food was good BUT the dance floor of the club need to be filled with more people....
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