Monday, March 05, 2012

Horror Movie

It happened years ago, after watching a horror movie with some friends...

M: Next time you shouldn't invite me to any horror movies, now I am alone, a bit scared and I don't think you will understand...

Me: Ok la. As long as you treat it as a movie, you will not feel so scared.

M: If you dare, you rent some horror movies like 'The Ring' and watch it alone la!

Me: What? At home? Alone?

M: Why not you go to the condo I had in Genting, you spend a night there and watch it alone.

Me: Crazy meh! No thank you!

P: Well, this is not scary enough, I dare you guys, bring a camcorder to the Genting condo. Before you go to bed and sleep, you record your sleep for 8 hrs or till you wake up, whichever come first, then, you replay the whole video and watch it yourself. I guess that is the real horror movie!

Me and M: ...... (sweating)

I have to say that I salute his imagination and creativity.

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