Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rape of Nanking Part II

It seems that the second part of the is even more terrify! I feel so heavy with my heart after watching the entire documentary. Got the following quote after the end of the movie,
"The Best Pridictor of the Future, Is the Past. Those who deny the Past and Those Who Do Not Learn From the Past... Are Condemned to Repeat the Past and Suffer the Consequences".
A lot of Japanese who were brainwashed by the government and history text book still doesn't believe the truth of Nanking Massacre, they even put up a fake documentary that try to "point" out the camera trick of the films and try to "proof" it as a fake movie by telling others it is just a propaganda made by the US to stir anti-Japanese sentiment. I think that is sad if these people still think in that way and refuse to accept the truth and learn from mistake (reminds me of Mr. Khurshid from Pakistan).
Well, for those who have strong heart and have a strong urge to know a little more about Nanking Massacre history, this is definitely a movie clip that you shouldn't miss out! Now I am seriously thinking of getting a Samsung or LG LCD TV instead of Toshiba or Sharp!

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