Thursday, October 15, 2009


I have watched the movie i-Robot before, I totally forgot what is it about the movie, all I remember is the 'i-Robot', Will Smith, and the new Audi A4 police car (B8 model) in that movie. Recently when I had a drink with some colleagues, someone brought up the i-Robot topic. Now, finally I have a chance to look at the real 'i-Robot' thingy. My friend's family purchased one for RM2.4k so this thing can do some house work for them. One thing really smart about this i-Robot, when it is low in power, the robot will go back to its' base to do its own charging. Only thing is it can't climb the stairs yet. Just the matter of time we will have something like a Wall-E in the future. We really need something like a Wall-E. Reason? Look at the drain below:

I took this photo on a drain near the shoplots that are quite close to my house. Sometimes I really wonder if these idiots who throw stuff into the drain ever been to school? No way the teacher thought them drain = dumpster, dumpster = drain. Some people are just plain ignorant, dumb or what? When there is a big dumpster next to him he don't want to make good use of it, he simply throw the paper into the drain. I hope there is a Greater Wall-E that can recycle these retards!

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