Sunday, June 12, 2005

Finally my room is more than 50% "functioning", two most important things have accomplished. The bed is "equipped", computer is up and running with internet capability, still need a more decent speakers and other upgrades such as stereo (could be optional), study desk, TV snd DVD? Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Ya~ what u need is a girlfriend where both of you can "share" the room together~ hehehehehe

Kwong said...

Might be a bit too crowded then.. heheh.:p

Anonymous said...

wat alfed said was correct.. man seriouly u ne a lady in ur room!

Anonymous said...

Ya i totally agree!!! kwong u r now equipped 2 secure a bedmate?
: p

Anonymous said...

i heard that recently u are "banished" from ur room due to presence of ur autie n sister!!!

Anonymous said...

Kwong, I think you need a bigger box for your bed