Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Black Screen: No Escape

As a movie lover, I find this ad from Microsoft quite creative, it looks like a horror movie poster... like "The Ring". The message they try to deliver to you is, "Please use genuine Windows program". Sorry I know I am a bit long winded, I just want to make sure you know, or else the money throw onto advertising will be totally wasted.

Microsoft: "They said they can escape, but they lied".

But I said, "No, 'they' didn't lie, they did escape."

If you ask a rich friend how he or she escape? They will tell you to spend a few hundred to get the genuine Windows, Microsoft is giving discount too, So I would like to urge you to buy the genuine product and respect Intellectual Property if you can afford.

Let say if you throw the same question at those smart friends around you how they manage to escape? They will be able to tell you the simplest method. Well, the trick is- Don't bother for "Automatic Update", disable this feature and you will be able to escape. We are always obsessed with latest product, latest version, latest design, latest technology, etc... if only you can ignore that, the Black Screen will never come because the copy you purchased at Low Yat still delivers... so, please have a seat with your pop corn ready and wait for the black screen comes, don't let the virtual ghost scare you. :)

My windows is cool, no black screen...

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