Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Got Milk? With or without 'Melamine'?

I was kinda curious what the hell is "Melamine", so I try to look up at Wikipedia, hopefully can dig more info out of it. Okay, here it goes... "Melamine is an organic base with the chemical formula C3H6N6, with the IUPAC name 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-triamine. It is only slightly soluble in water, blah blah blah.." Hmmm.. may be somebody will start to sell Melamine on ebay tonight...

My chemistry is not that good since I was in Senior Middle 1, so I can't explain to you in details on how does C3H6N6 is formed. Well, at least I know H2O equals to water. To make it more understandable, "Melamine" is a byproduct of plastic manufacturing, can be used to mimic high-protein additives (extract this from

Today there are news reported that two children died and more than 1 thousand fell ill due to melamine found in milk formula. Every time I heard this kind of news, I am really angry with these people who doesn't have any social responsibility at all when it comes to food products. I wonder why we need so many proteins in milk? Such action by the offenders really give a bad name to Chinese made food product. From can food to meat and vegetables. You have fake bamboo shoot, you have fake eggs, diseased chicken sold as fried chicken, etc. Now it is also affecting the poor farmers too because they won't be squeezing or pulling any nipples at least for now (I mean the cow), because the demand on fresh COW milk dropped due to this incident.

For this kind of heartless people, my suggestion to the judge is - for the Melamine case, the offenders do know that melamine is bad for health..well, no matter you know or doesn't know, or you guess you know or may be you doubt you know whatsoever. I assume that it is a common sense that a byproduct of plastic should be harmful if you mixed it with food. Even a three year old kid knows not to mix the sand with their porridge.

Once proven guilty. I suggest that their punishment are as follow:
1. Send their asses to jail before execution.
2. Breakfast is milk with melamine + one or two "artificial egg with artificial flavor", if they love it, of course we should let them have extra eggs, the fake one is cheaper than the real one anyway.
3. Porridge mixed with melamine powder. Add some soya sauce and fried onion so it can cover the weird taste of melamine. Hmmm... I wonder if the chinese already have the technology to produce fake salted egg?
4. Dinner, let's be humane a bit, give them some solid rice cuz they only had porridge for lunch. Give them stir fry pork + fake bamboo shoots made from bamboo chopsticks, plus two fried chicken drumpsticks... yeah... the meat is not white in color.. you can find some "bruises" on the meat, purple here and purple there...chicken that die prematurely due to sickness and other unknown reason... the skin is still very crispy though... "yum yum"
These "fockers" are going to be executed by the Chinese government anyway, why not let them taste their own shit first. I think they deserve such severe punishment. No mercy to this kind of offenders!!

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