"In the modern city like Singapore, it is almost impossible to find a millionaire that will die out of hunger, well, it did happened during my lifetime, and I have seen one...
We used to go to this open compound in group to work on our Taichi and our exercises together in the evening. Most of the time, there will be a dog that come near to us and bark loudly on us, the sound is indeed annoying but the dog never attack us.
One of the group members can't stand the barking, he complained to the millionaire who stood next to him on how annoying is the noise. The millionaire told the group member, 'I have an idea to get rid of it, give me two days and I will solve the problem for you.' When the group member asked the millionaire what is his solution? The millionaire refused to reveal his plan, he gave him a tigerish grin.
Two days later, when there are having their exercise together just like usual, the dog came again. The millionaire went to his Merz and take out a bag of meat and throw it to the dog. The dog quickly ran to the meat and bite it without hesitation. In less than few seconds, the dog barks even louder! But then, the sounds has become more like a weep than bark, it ran off to a direction and slowly, the group of people can't hear any noise from the dog. The dog never come back...
After the exercise session, one of the group members ask the millionaire what did he do to the dog? He proudly told the group members, he had used a piece of cooked pork meat and stuffed it with sewing needles. So when the dog swallow the meat, the needles will poke at its' throat and force the dog to silence itself. Among the group members, some listen and keeps quiet, some criticized him, said that he is too cruel to the dog. As expected, someone found the carcass of the dog somewhere around the park.
It was very weird, for not too long, the millionaire didn't show up for his exercise session. Everyone was curious where did he go? We don't know what happen to him until someone started to talk about him after nearly a year. Finally, I found out from others that not long ago after the dog incident, the millionaire was diagnosed by the doctor that he got throat cancer. I didn't see him until one year after the 'dog incident'.
When I saw him, I was shocked because he looks so skinny and I almost can't recognize him. Heard that his throat is so pain and even swallowing his own saliva through his throat caused so much pain to himself. So he can't eat any solid food at all, so the nurses fed him with liquid food to sustain his life. According to his family, the doctor has refused to do a operation on him as he said that he won't lived for too long. From his face, I can tell that he is very hungry and would like to eat some food, but he just can't swallow at all. I think that is the last time I have seen him...
I am a buddhist myself, through this incident, I can foresee that the millionaire will walk 'the path of hungry ghost' when he passed away..."