Friday, May 01, 2009

Paint Ball game

Went for a paint ball game with colleagues on last weekend. The fun factor is alright but then I think the game is quite expensive too, for about three session of game, it cost us almost RM100 per person. I think the way they design the "capture the flag" game is really not fun at all, the first game lasted in a few minutes, some people just simply whacked and finished of their 'ammo' in few minutes time. To me, the fun part of the game should takes longer time, and you need to use more tactical move to capture the flag. Once you finished your ammo, you are as good as a dead man.

For the first three game, half of my cartridge is still full, because I aim and shoot. May be I am just in to those PC game, which a lot of times you need to conserve your ammo and make every shot count and focus on head shot for maximum damage you can get.
This is before we go into battle.

The organizer - Siew Wai, tasted my head shot at the final 2 vs 2 game. :p
My partner and me manage to get them because our opponents: 1. One finished of his bullets despite I didn't manage to snipe him because he hide behind the net. 2. The other guy got hit on the head by me. So with one guy without ammo but still alive, he will have to surrender.

After the game, we took a group photo again. :)

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