Sunday, May 20, 2007

Road to Sigiriya

On Saturday morning at six o'clock, the PM assistant (PMA)called me while I was still sleeping, he asked me if we should sneak out for some road trip since he got a car available.
I told him it was too early and why not we make at at 7:30am... at the end, I woke up at 8:45am, and I decided to give him a call, see if the whole thing is still on. Luckily it is. I propose them to visit one of the 77th Wonders of the World, UNESCO certified World Heritage Site in Sri Lanka - The Sigiriya!
The whole trip was interesting because we have no idea how to get there and we didn't even buy any road map due to we can't find any map in all the petrol station that we have been. Thus, I have no choice but spend 15 minutes on the internet and try to look out a appropriate map and draw it in a pcs of paper. We plan to ask the locals along the way.
The trip consist of my house mate and the PMA who proposed the trip. We left out apartment at 11am. It was really a long way, it took almost 7 hours to reach our destination include the time of asking direction, rest, toilet and lunch break. It is so hard to find a toilet along the way that we have to pee in the wild. :)
When we were almost 1 hour close to our destination, my house mate propose to return to Colombo, I was like, "What the hell?" We have driven 6 hours on the road trip and you want to head back?! I have know choice but to persuade these not-so-adventurous ppl that we are almost there. I took the key over from the PMA and said I will drive. Most of the time he was driving because he is the only one who hold the Sri Lanka driving license.
After some time, we finally got to our destination about six o'clock. It was getting dark, we saw the rock stood high up surrounded by the plains. We have to walk 1km to the site, I think it is a very beautiful place that worth revisiting. Due to it is getting dark, there is no way we can climb to the summit. I felt so disappointing when my housemate said we just hit back the road and go home. For me, I would prefer to spend a night at the inn and conquer it the next morning. But all others just want to go back to Colombo, they said we just take some pictures and go home, may be they don't want to spend 20USD for the entrance ticket and another 20USD for staying inside the hotel, also they have problem adapting the local food. I felt my whole day of driving and risking my live on the road is really wasted.
I don't bother to persuade them anymore, told them just hit the road and go home, because it will be getting darker. We spend about 4 hours to drive home. To me, the trip to Sigiriya is fruitless. I only manage to see it from a distance and didn't get to climb up to the summit. Moral of the story, make sure your travel mate is as adventurous as yourself and have the same interest like you, such as know how to appreciate the historical site and value of the place, the art, the culture, etc.. Or else, when you think it is something impressive, they will only see it as some regular rock pieces, and tell you he is not an archaelogist, etc..


Anonymous said...

hehehe.... sure if it is me who tap along, we are going to make sure we cover all the area!

Kwong said...

You are right bro!
我真的给他们气死,怎么有理由开了六个小时车,就差那么一个小时路就不想走,想要打道回府,要不我坚持开到终点,可能就真的白跑一趟了. 我去Wikipedia看了照片,觉得上面还是值得一看的,下次可能会再去.不到黄河心不死,他们还说我执着,认为在远处照张相,算是到此一游了,气死我了.万里长城都没上过,远处照相也算到此一游?

Anonymous said...

呵~~~ 旅游价值观不一样。。。在外国居住竟然不去看看漂亮的地方,相信我吧,他们会后悔的。。。。呵~~~